‘O Gradu’

Saopštenje za javnostPress release

Poslednjih nedelja registrovana je enormno visoka potrošnja vode u Požarevcu, Kostolcu i svim ostalim naseljima na teritoriji grada koje su priključena na sistem vodosnabdevanja grada Požarevca. Kao posledica intenziviranja crpenja vode iz podzemlja i preopterećenja sistema vodosnabdevanja, neminovno se javlja pogoršanje kvaliteta vode za...

Sednica gradskog štaba za vanredne situacijeConference of the City administration for emergencies

Na sednici Gradskog štaba za vanredne situacije, na osnovu preporuka i odluka Republičkog štaba za vanredne situacije, donete su sledeće odluke i zaključci: U osnovnim i srednjim školama uvedeni su nenastavni dani do petka 10. februara 2012. godine a u skladu sa preporukom Ministarstva...

6th February – non-teaching day6. februar – nenastavni dan

City staff for the emergency has decided that the Monday, 6 February, declared a non-teaching day. Due to bad weather in all primary and secondary schools in the city of Pozarevac will not be teaching  on Monday . Gradski štab za vanredne situacije doneo...

6 Komentara

Appeal to the citizens to clean the snow and iceApel građanima da čiste sneg i led

City Administration of Pozarevac appeals to citizens to clear snow and ice. Public and other services shall perform its regular tasks, but the citizens have in front of their buildings to organize cleaning sidewalks, it also applies to owners and users of office space, in...

Prijem predstavnika Američke humanitarne organizacijeReception of representatives of the American humanitarian organization

Gradonačelnik Požarevca Miodrag Milosavljević upriličio je u svom kabinetu prijem predstavnika: Američke humanitarne organizacije Savez svetskih crkava, organizacija Crvenog krsta u Požarevcu i Smederevu i Poljoprivredne škole „Sonja Marinković“ a razgovarano je o projektima povećanja proizvodnje hrane namenjene socijalno ugroženim stanovnicima preko Narodne kuhinje kao...

Press releaseSaopštenje za javnost

Due to extremely low temperatures JKP "Vodovod i kanalizacija" of Pozarevac asks all users who have water meter shelter unprotected and full of water to protect and empty out them in the shortest time to avoid the consequences of freezing and damage to water meters and...

Awards for Day of urban municipalities KostolacNagrade povodom Dana Gradske opštine Kostolac

Marking the second anniversary of the founding of the City Municipality Kostolac, ceremony was held with the appropriate program and shown a film about a two-year work of Kostolac municipal government. Awarded the gold medallion for contribution to the work of this institution, Dragan Jovanovic...

Receiving leaders of the European Handball FederationPrijem čelnika Еvropske rukometne federacije

Head man of  European Handball Federation Torah Liana and his associates had visited the mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic and President of the City Milomir Ilic In the Days of handball in Pozarevac. - We believe that you have something to see on the site Viminacium, because it...