Čačalica je brdo iznad Požarevca na kome se nalazi istoimeni spomen-park. Sam park obuhvata 28 hektara i omiljeno je izletište Požarevljana.
Na mestu spomeničkog kompleksa je u toku Drugog svetskog rata streljano oko 3.000 simpatizera NOP-a i zarobljenih partizana. Mesto na kome počivaju njihovi posmrtni ostaci obeleženo je spomenikom izvedenim u formi zida, sa puščanim udubljenjima i partizanskim simbolima koji obeležavaju streljanje žrtava. U okviru spomen-parka nalazi se i kosturnica boraca Crvene armije, palih oktobra 1944. godine na području od Rudne glave do Mladenovca.
Pri vrhu brda se nalazi spomenik „Zvezda“.
U okviru ovog parka se nalazi veliki broj stabala retkih biljnih vrsta i sitnih životinjica. Sa pojedinih delova brda vidi se gotovo cela panorama Požarevca.
„Cacalica“ is the hill in Pozarevac where memorial park located. Ppark covers 28 hectares and is a favorite resort of citizens of Pozarevac.
At the memorial site during the Second World War were shot about 3,000 supporters of NOP and captured partisans. A place to rest their remains marked by a monument executed in the form of a wall, with the rifle grooves and partisan symbols that mark the shooting victims. In the memorial park is the ossuary and the Red Army soldiers, fallen in October 1944. In the field of ore head to Mladenovac.
At the top of the hill is the monument „Star“.
Within this park is a large number of trees of rare species and small animal. With some parts of the hill can be seen almost the entire panorama of Pozarevac.