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Obeležena 100. godišnjica Kumanovske bitkeMarked 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Kumanovo

Herojska tradicija garancija za budućnost

Kao i u čitavoj Srbiji, u Požarevcu je brojnim manifestacijama obeležena 100. godišnjica legendarne kumanovske bitke kojom je počeo trijumfalan pohod srpske vojske za konačno oslobođenje od vekovne vlasti Otomanske imperije. Na Spomenik srpskom vojniku vence su položili predstavnici velikog broja udruženja potomaka slavnih ratnika kao i grada Požarevca.

Povodom ovog jubileja, veoma značajnog za istoriju Srbije, gradonačelnik Požarevac Miomir Ilić upriličio je prijem u svečanoj sali Gradskog zdanja na kome su uspomene na slavnu epopeju evocirali potomci slavnih ratnika koji su naveli da neće biti lošiji od svojih predaka rekavši da ne smeju izneveriti slavne pretke niti smeju razočarati njihove potomke, rekli su predstavnici Saveza potomaka srpskih boraca. Pozdravljajući prisutne goste, gradonačelnik Miomir Ilić je rekao da su herojske tradicije prava garancija za budućnost Srbije.

Održana je i Svečana akademija na kojoj su o značaju Kumanovske bitke govorili Slavoljub Stojadinović -„Regrut“ i doktor istorijskih nauka Miroljub Manojlović. Prikazan je i dokumentarni film o ovom važnom vojnom i istorijskom događaju.

U okviru obeležavanja proslave stoleća Kumanovske bitke, u prostorijama Agencije „Kodeks“, Udruženje likovnih stvaralaca „Đura Jakšić“ priredilo je prigodnu izložbu pod nazivom „Rodoljublje“ koju je svečano otvorila Vukica Vasić zamenica gradonačelnika Požarevca.

Heroic Tradition for the Future

As in the whole of Serbia, in Pozarevac numerous events marked 100th anniversary of the legendary Battle of Kumanovo, which began a triumphal march of the Serbian army for the final liberation from centuries of Ottoman Empire authorities. Monument to the Serbian soldier wreaths were laid by representatives of a large number of descendants of Fame Association and warriors of Pozarevac.

On the occasion of this anniversary, it is very important for the history of Serbia, the mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic hosted a reception in the hall of the city where buildings are the memories of the glorious saga of Fame evoked descendants of warriors who have stated that they will not be worse than his predecessors, saying that they must not fail famous ancestors nor may disappoint their descendants, said the representatives of the Association of Serbian soldiers descendants. Welcoming the guests, Mayor Miomir Ilic said that the heroic tradition is guarantee for the future of Serbia.

There was also a Ceremony where the significance of the Battle of Kumanovo Slavoljub Stojadinovic said – „recruiter“ and a doctor of historical sciences Miroljub Manojlovic. Featured is a documentary film about this important military and historical events.

To mark the celebration of the century Kumanovo battle, at the Agency „Kodeks“, Association of Visual Artists „Djura Jaksic“ was issued by an exhibition titled „Patriotism“, which was officially opened by Deputy Mayor Vukica Vasic.