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Obeležena 13-to godišnjica NATO napada13-anniversary of NATO attacks

24. marta 1999. Godine u 19,45 snage NATO-a počele su vazdušne udare na tadašnju SRJ. Gađano je područje osam gradova, a prve eksplozije čule su se u Prištini. Generalštab VJ saopštio je da je napadnuto više od 20 vojnih objekata, a Vlada SRJ je proglasila ratno stanje.

Obeležavajući trinaestogodišnjicu ovih događaja položeni su venci i cveće na spomenik „Sloboda“. Vence su položili predstavnici Grada Požarevca, Vojske Srbije, Policije i rodbina žrtava rata. Gradonačelnik Miodrag Milosavljević sa saradnicima, priredio je prijem za rodbinu poginulih.

24th March 1999. 19.45 in NATO forces began air strikes against the SRJ. The targets was the area of ​​the eight cities, and the first explosions were heard in Pristina. General Staff of VJ said it was attacked more than 20 military installations, and the government declared a state of war. 

Celebrating 13-anniversary these events were laid wreaths and flowers at the monument of „Freedom“. Wreaths were laid by representatives of the City of Pozarevac, the Serbian Army, Police and relatives of victims of war. The mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic and his associates, hosted a reception for relatives of those killed.