Početak » Aktuelno

Glumačke svečanosti – žiri jednoglasnoActing ceremony – the jury unanimously

Treće festivalske večeri požarevačka publika je imala priliku da vidi veliku ansambl predstavu „Kanjoš Macedonović“ u izvođenju Narodnog pozorišta iz Beograda. Predstava je trajala čak 3 sata i velika sala Centra za kulturu nije bila na kraju tako puna, kao na početku predstave.

Ovo je priča iz doba Mletaka o budvanskom junaku Kanjošu Macedonoviću ( Igor Đorđević) koji odlazi u borbu protiv duždevog (Predrag Еjdus), neprijatelja Furlanom (Branislav Lečić). I treći put mišljenja stručnog žirija i žirija publike su se poklopila i za najboljeg glumca proglašen je Igor Đorđević.

The third evening of festival audience in Pozarevac had the opportunity to see great ensemble performance „Kanjos Macedonovic“ performed by the National Theater in Belgrade. The performance was even lasted 3 hours and the large hall of the Cultural Center was so full at the end as at the beginning of the play.

This is a story from the time of the Venetians on Budva’s hero Kanjos Macedonovic (Igor Djordjevic) who goes into battle against palazzo (Predrag Ejdus), the enemy Furlan (Branislav Lecic). The third expert opinion jury and audience have matched the best actor was named Igor Djordjevic.