Lepo vreme za ovo doba godine omogućilo je da ovogodišnji investicioni ciklus u oblasti izgradnje komunalne infrastrukture i saobraćajnica bude priveden kraju. To je osnovna konstatacija koju su, nakon obilaska više radilišta, Požarevljanima danas izrekli gradonačelnik Miomir Ilić i direktori nadležnih javnih preduzeća. Naime, povoljne vremenske prilike pogodovale su izvođačima radova na više požarevačkih radilišta, pa će svi poslovi na realizaciji investicija u oblasti komunalija i saobraćaja biti okončani pre rokova. Na to su prilikom obilaska radova ukazali gradonačelnik Požarevca Miomir Ilić, direktor Direkcije za izgradnju Slavko Živković i direktor Vodovoda i kanalizacije Saša Valjarević.
Komentarišući završetak poslova na trećoj i četvrtoj fazi izgradnje kišnog kolektora u ulici Knez Milošev venac Miomir Ilić je podsetio da je reč o investiciji vrednoj 70 miliona dinara, a potom dodao:
-Izgradnja ovog kišnog kolektora je veoma bitna za primanje atmosferskih voda sa područja Varoškog brda i Čačalice. Time rasterećujemo postojeći kišni kolektor koji je već dosta napunjen kroz ulice Kneza Miloša i Lole Ribara. Radovi su završeni i položen je asfalt. Svi priključci su urađeni i okončali smo jedan veliki posao. To je jedna od kapitalih investicija koja rasterećuje ovaj deo sliva koji gravitira ka Varoškom brdu i Čačalici“.
Ovih dana izvođači završavaju i poslove na zameni cevi vodovoda u više centralnih požarevačkih ulica. Na to je danas ukazao direktor Vodovoda i kanalizacije Saša Valjarević, a zatim istakao:
-I druga investicija na zameni cevovoda je završena. Vrednost investicije je 6 miliona dinara i, zahvaljujući tome što nas je vreme poslužilo, završena je pre roka. Ujedno se priprema i treća investicija za asfaltiranje, Nemanjina ulica, koja će biti završena u toku nedelje. Rade se i priključci i završava se i deo investicije u Dunavskoj ulici, koja će se potom asvaltirati i tako završiti poslovna 2014. godina“.
Obilazeći poslove u ulici Čede Vasovića, gradonačelnik Miomir Ilić i njegovi saradnici uverili su se da će do kraja ove nedelje biti završeno i asvaltiranje. To je obećao direktor Direkcije za izgradnju Slavko Živković:
-Pored ulice Čede Vasovića, čije asfaltiranje očekujemo da bude završeno u subotu, u sredu završavamo dugu fazu,od Vardarske do ulice Sime Simića, zatim nastavljamo dalje. Ukupna dužina presvlačenja kolovoza je 730 metara, vrednost nešto preko 7 miliona dinara. Paralelno sa time radimo i trotoar u ulici Cane Babović, i očekujemo da ćemo taj posao završiti pre kraja godine, sa čime završavamo ciklus vezan za saobraćajnice. Imali smo preko 35 ulica u toku godine“.
Na kraju ove posete, gradonačelnik Požarevca uverio se i u napredovanje radova na izgradnji prve faze kolektora između LJubičeva i Lučice. Reč je o projektu u koji će naredne godine biti uloženo još 150 miliona dinara, a ovih dana biće okončan prvi deo poslova, kaže Slavko Živković: „Predračunska vrednost ove investicije bila je 40 miliona i privodimo je kraju. Planirano je da ova investicija bude završena 16. januara, a očekujemo da će biti završena ranije. Zajedno sa Gradskom upravom planirali smo završetak ove investicije u narednoj godini“.Nice weather for this time of year has enabled this year investment cycle in the construction of municipal infrastructure and roads be brought to an end. This is the main conclusion is that, after visiting several sites, Požarevljani today uttered the mayor Miomir Ilic and competent directors of public companies. The favorable weather conditions are favorable for contractors and all the works on the realization of investments in utilities and transport will be completed before the deadlines. This was during a tour of the works indicated the mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic, director of the construction Slavko Zivkovic and director of the Water and Sewer – Sasa Valjarević.
Commenting on the completion of tasks in the third and fourth stages of construction stormwater sewer in the street Knez Milos wreath Miomir Ilic reminded that the investment worth 70 million dinars, and then added:
-Construction Of rainwater is very important to receive storm water from areas of the borough hills and Cacalica. Time unburden the existing rain collector which is already quite filled the street Knez Milos and Lola Ribar. The works were completed and passed the asphalt. All connections are made, and we completed a great job. This is one of the investments of capital, which relieves this part of the basin which gravitates toward VAROŠKA hill and Cacalica „.
These days, contractors and end jobs to replace water mains in the more central street. For it is today pointed Director Water and Sewage – Sasa Valjarević, and then said:
And other investments to replace the pipeline is completed. The investment is 6 million and, thanks to us time served, was completed ahead of schedule. It also prepares the third investment for paving, Nemanjina street, which will be completed during the week. They are the connections and ends on the part of the investment in the Danube Street, which will then asvaltirati and so end the business year 2014 „.
Visiting jobs at street „Čede Vasović“, Mayor Miomir Ilic and his colleagues are convinced that by the end of this week to be completed and paving. It has promised to build Director of Slavko Zivkovic:
-In Addition streets „Čede Vasović“, whose paving is expected to be completed on Saturday, Wednesday concludes a long phase of the Vardar to the street Sime Simic, then continue on. The total length of pavement is 730 meters, the value of just over 7 million. In parallel with this work and sidewalk at st. „Cane Babović“, and we expect to finish the job before the end of the year, which completes the cycle tied to the road. We had more than 35 street during the year. „
At the end of the visit, the mayor of Pozarevac assured and in the progress of construction work on the first phase of the collector between a purple and pickled onions. This is a project in the next year will be invested another 150 million dinars, and these days will be completed the first part of the work, Slavko Zivkovic said:
„The estimated value of this investment was 40 million and is nearing the end. It is planned that this investment will be completed on January 16 and is expected to be completed earlier. Together with the City Administration we planned completion of the investment in the coming year. „