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Obeležen Dan pobedeThe Day of Victory

Dan pobede nad fašizmom u Drugom svetskom ratu, 9. maj, svečano i dostojanstveno je obeležen u Požarevcu. Posle prijema u svečanoj sali Gradskog zdanja kome su, pored funkcionera lokalne samouprave, prisustvovali predstavnici Ruske Federacije, boračkih organizacija, Vojske Srbije i drugih kolektiva, položeni su venci u Spomen parku „Čačalica“.

Venci su položeni na Spomen kosturnicu poginulim pripadnicima Crvene armije i Spomenik palim rodoljubima.


Day of Victory over fascism in World War II, 9 May, solemn and dignified marked in Pozarevac. After receiving the ceremonial hall of the City building where, in addition to local government officials, representatives of the Russian Federation, veterans’ organizations, the Army of Serbia and other collectives were laid wreaths at the Memorial Park „CaCalica“.

Wreaths were laid at the memorial charnel killed members of the Red Army and the Monument to patriots.