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Prijem privrednika u gradskoj upraviAdmission businessmen in the city administration

Grad Požarevac je na isteku poslovne godine priredio prijem za privrednike iz ovog kraja. Među onima koji su se odazvali bili su predstavnici Bambija, Hrastovače, PP Filipa, Market parketa i nekoliko drugih preduzeća.

Modrag Stepanović

Miodrag Stepanović

Prisutne je pozdravio zamenik gradonačelnika Požarevca Miodrag Stepanović koji je,  između ostalog, posebno zahvalio Bambiju, Arrivi i PZP-u jer sedišta preduzeća nisu prebacili u neki drugi grad. On se osvrnuo na stanje u staroj industrijskoj zoni Požarevca. Veliki broj preduzeća,  nekadašnjih stubova privrede u gradu danas ne radi. Stepanović se požalio da i pored svih napora na neke odluke i ishode nije moglo da se utiče.

-Više puta smo govorili o revitalizaciji industrijske zone. Tu nas, međutim, sprečavaju zakonske prepreke. Ako krenemo od šećerane u stečaju, do fabrike stočne hrane koja je prodata iz stečaja, kao i MIP-a koji je ponovo u stečaju zbog Stork Imesa, grad je ranije trebalo da se založi da kupac bude neko iz našeg kraja. Međutim, pored napora svih nas, nismo bili u mogućnosti da na neke stvari utičemo, rekao je Stepanović.

On je istakao da predstavnici gradske uprave privrednicima stoje na raspolaganju i da su  otvoreni za sve predloge i sugestije, ne samo prema gradu, već i javnim preduzećima.

-Verujem da smo svi svedoci da država promenama Zakona o radu i izmenama zakona o stečaju i planiranju i izgradnji želi da stvori bolji ambijent za strane ulagače i domaće privrednike, dodao je Stepanović i poželo privrednicima uspeh u predstojećoj poslovnoj godini.

City of Pozarevac at the end of the financial year held a reception for businessmen from this region. Among those who responded were representatives of Bambi, HRASTOVAČA, PP Philip Market parquet and several other companies.

Modrag Stepanović
The guests were welcomed by Deputy Mayor Pozarevac Miodrag Stepanović which, among other things, specially thanked Bambi, Arriva and PZP-in seats because the company did not move to another city. He commented on the situation in the old industrial area Pozarevac. A large number of enterprises, former pillars of the economy in the city today is not working. Stepanović complained that despite all the efforts of some decisions and outcomes could be affected.

-More Times we talked about the revitalization of the industrial zone. Here we are, however, prevent legal obstacles. If we start from the sugar factory in bankruptcy, to feed mills, which was sold out of bankruptcy, as well as MIP, which is again in bankruptcy because of Stork Imes, the city was earlier supposed to pledge that the buyer be someone from our end. However, despite the efforts of all of us, we were not able to influence some of the things he said Stepanović.

He pointed out that the representatives of the city administration entrepreneurs are available and are open to all suggestions and proposals, not only the city, but also public companies.

I believe that we are all witnesses that the state changes of the Labour Act and amendments to the law on bankruptcy and planning and building wants to create a better environment for foreign investors and local businessmen, he added Stepanović and businessmen met with success in the upcoming fiscal year.