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Saint Sava Academy is heldOdržana Svetosavska Akademija

In the hall of the Cultural Center held the Saint Sava Academy, organized by the church community Pozarevac. The ceremony was attended by His Grace Bishop Ignatius, president of the City Miomir Ilic and associates, representatives of police and military as well as numerous citizens.

The program was attended by children from primary schools and kindergartens, orchestra and choir from music school „Stevan Mokranjac“, „Lazarica“ and the Church Choir „Branicevo“.

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U velikoj Sali Centra za kulturu u Požarevcu održana je velika Svetosavska akademija u organizaciji Crkvene opštine Požarevac. Svojim prisustvom svečanost su uveličali njegovo Preosveštenstvo Vladika Ignjatije, predsednik Skupštine grada Miomir Ilić sa saradnicima, predstavnici Policije i Vojske kao i mnogobrojni građani.

U programu su učestvovala deca iz osnovnih škola i vrtića, veliki orkestar i hor Muzičke škole „Stevan Mokranjac“ , „Lazarice“ i Crkveni hor „Braničevo“.

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