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Pčelari Požarevca za primerBeekeepers in Pozarevac commendable

U Požarevcu je održana 47. Skupština Udruženja pčelara Požarevac. Izveštaj o radu za 2014. godinu podneo je predsednik Dejan Milošević. Pčelari iz Požarevca bili su vrlo aktivni tokom prošle godine – sarađivali su sa Specijalističkim veterinarskim institutom, agrarnim Fondom i gradom Požarevcom, izlagali su svoje proizvode na svim značajnijim sajmovima u Srbiji kao i zemljama okruženja, realizovali dva projekta – „Reka meda“ i „Pčelarstvo izvozna šansa Braničevskog okruga“, mališanima iz vrtića kao i prvacima povodom prvog školskog dana poklanjali med, u saradnji sa Poljoprivrednom školom „Sonja Marinković“ u Požarevcu organizovali treću školu pčelarstva za sve zainteresovane polaznike.


Prošla godina je za proizvodnju meda i pčelare ipak, ocenio je u izveštaju o radu Dejan Milošević ukratko, bila teška:

-Teška godina za pčelarstvo, jedna od najtežih u poslednjih 50 – 60 godina, kako za pčelare, tako i za same pčele. Što se Udruženja pčelara tiče, gotovo sve što smo planirali u prethodnoj godini, realizovali smo“.


Pčelare je pozdravio predsednik Skupštine grada Požarevca Bane Spasović rečima da lokalna samouprava podržava njihov rad:

-Grad Požarevac ima samo reči hvale kada se govori o vašem udruženju. Tačni i vredni, pokazli ste da vas krase osobine koje propisujemo upravo pčelama. Vaša ozbiljost i posvećenost poslu nije ostala neprimećena ni van naše zemlje, tako da još uvek stižu pohvale za realizovani projekat „Proizvodnja meda – izvozna šansa Braničevskog okruga“, koji je finansirala Kraljevina Norveška, a čiji ste i vi bili deo. Ovim projektom niste pomogli samo sebi, već i u svet poslali poruku da će svi budući pojekti u Požarevcu i Braničevskom okrugu biti transparentni i uspešno realizovani. Ova poljoprivredna grana jeste jedna od najstarijih, ali imponuje vaša spremnost da pčelarstvo stalno unapređujete i tehnički osavremenjujete. Požarevačko Udruženje pčelara je pokazalo da u tom segmentu ne zaostaje za ostalim kolegama u zemlji i svetu. Ponosni smo na vas i gradska Skupština i grad Požarevac obećavaju svu pomoć u razvoju pčelarstva u gradu i uopšte, izjavio je Spasović.

n Pozarevac is held 47th Assembly of the Association of Beekeepers Pozarevac. Report for 2014 submitted by the President Dejan Milosevic. Beekeepers from Pozarevac were very active during the last year – worked with Specialized Veterinary Institute, and the Agrarian Fund of Pozarevac, exhibited their products at all major fairs in Serbia and neighboring countries, implemented two projects – „River of Honey“ and „Beekeeping export opportunity Braničevo district „, children from kindergarten and first graders as on the occasion of the first day of school donated between, in cooperation with the Agricultural school “ Sonja Marinkovic “ in Pozarevac organized the third school of beekeeping for all interested participants.


Last year for the production of honey and bee was difficult, said in a report on the work of Dejan Milosevic in short,:

-A difficult year for beekeeping, one of the worst in the last 50 – 60 years, both for beekeepers and for the bees themselves. As far as the Beekeepers Association, almost everything we planned in the previous year, we have implemented. „



Beekeepers were greeted by the Mayor of Pozarevac Bane Spasović words that the local government supports their work:

-City Of Pozarevac has nothing but praise when talking about your association. Accurate and valuable, show you that you adorn features that prescribe exactly the bees. Your ozbiljost and dedication has not remained unnoticed even outside our country, so it is still coming praise for the realized project „Honey production – export opportunity Braničevski district“, funded by the Kingdom of Norway, and of which you were a part of. This project did not help itself, but also to send a message to the world that all future assistance projects in Pozarevac and Branicevo be transparent and successfully implemented. The agricultural sector is one of the oldest, but impresses your willingness to continuously improve beekeeping and technical becoming modernized. Beekeepers Association shows that in this segment is not inferior to other colleagues in the country and the world. We are proud of you and the City Assembly and the City of Pozarevac promise all the help in the development of beekeeping in the city and in general, said Spasović.