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Pismo o namerama sa firmom iz ItalijeThe letter of intent with a company from Italy

Pismo o namerama, koje sadrži operativnu fazu dogovora o trgovinskoj razmeni u tehnološkom sektoru, potpisano je u svečanom salonu Gradskog zdanja a svoje potpise na ovaj dokument stavili su Miomir Ilić gradonačelnik Požarevca i Clocchiatti Roberto vlasnik istoimene, velike firme iz Italije.

Firma CLOCCHIATTI ROBERTO obezbeđivaće investitore za nekoliko projekata od izuzetnog značaja za razvoj ovoga kraja dok se grad Požarevac obavezao da će svom partneru omogućiti sve uslove iz svoje nadležnosti radi što lakše realizacije planiranih poslova i investicija.

Potpisivanju Pisma namera prisustvovali su: zamenica gradonačelnika Požarevca Vukica Vasić, predsednik Skupštine grada Žarko Pivac, predstavnik naše dijaspore u Trstu Bogoljub Stojićević i član Gradskog veća zadužen za odnose sa dijasporom Vojislav Stojićević.The letter of intent, which contains the operational phase of the agreement on trade in the technology sector, signed the formal parlor of City buildings and their signatures to this document put Mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic  and Roberto Clocchiatti company owner with the same name,  from Italy.

The company will provide Clocchiatti ROBERTO investors for several projects of great importance for the development of this area until the city Pozarevac committed to your partner provide all the requirements of their jurisdiction for the easier implementation of planned activities and investments.

Letters of intent signing were present: Deputy Mayor of Pozarevac Vukica Vasic, President of Assembly  Zarko Pivac, a representative of the Diaspora in Trieste Bogoljub Stojicević and City Council member in charge of relations with the Diaspora Vojislav Stojicevic.