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Poseta italijanskog regiona PožarevcuItalian region visiting Pozarevac

Nastaviti započetu saradnju

Započetu saradnju između italijanske regije Friuli Venecija Đulija i grada Požarevca potrebno je dalje nastaviti i obogatiti, rečeno je na sastanku predstavnika dvaju već tradicionalnih partnera. Prema rečima predstavnika italijanske delegacije, Aleksandra Perelija, njegova regija ima veliki interes za brojne delatnosti pogotovu što u okolini Trsta živi oko 16.000 Srba.


Član Gradskog veća zadužen za sport i i omladinu Aleksandar Đokić, naveo je da se nastavljaju susreti u oblasti kulture, sporta i turizma pa će naredni biti krajem tekućeg meseca. Direktorka Turističke organizacije Požarevca Davorka Mitrović, je rekla da će se nadalje posebno raditi na prezentaciji turističkih potencijala grada Požarevca koji će bi prezentirani u Italiji.Continue with cooperation

Initiated cooperation between the Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Pozarevac need to continue and enhance, told a meeting of representatives of two of the traditional partners. According to representatives of the Italian delegation, Alexander Perelija, his region has a great interest in a number of activities especially in the area of Trieste which has about 16,000 Serbs.


City Council member in charge of Sports and Youth and Aleksandar Djokic said to continue meetings in the fields of culture, sports and tourism and will be coming at the end of the month. Director of Tourist Organization Pozarevac Davorka Mitrovic, said she would continue to work specifically on the presentation of tourist potential of Pozarevac which will be presented in Italy.