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Savremen vrtić za 500 mališanaModern kindergarten for 500 children

Posle niza godina, dugog nekoliko decenija, Požarevac je dobio potpuno nov objekat namenjen smeštaju i vaspitanju najmlađih sugrađana, vredan ukupno 93 miliona dinara, pošto je u naselju „Burjan“ otvoren Dečiji vrtić „Danica Radosavljević“, nazvan po učiteljici koja je dakle 1911. godine otvorila prve jaslice u ovoj varoši.

Ovaj savremeni objekat, deci i vaspitačima predali su na korišćenje gradonačelnik Požarevca Miomir Ilić i njegova zamenica Vukica Vasić. Izražavajući zadovoljstvo zbog uspešnog završetka još jedne važne investicije u gradu, Miomir Ilić je napomenuo da će novi vrtić moći da zbrine oko 500 mališana. – Grad Požarevac, pored infrastrukturne izgradnje, veliku pažnju posvećuje i socijalnoj zaštiti, merama na povećanju nataliteta i pospešivanju rada predškolskih ustanova. Moram da napomenem da su na ovom projektu radili timovi predhodne i sadašnje vlasti, istakao je Ilić.

Vrtić se prostire na površini od oko 1.500 metara kvadratnih a, pored soba za smeštaj jaslenih i vaspitnih, grupa ima prostorije za vaspitače, kuhinju, terase i drugu opremu. Vukica Vasić je podsetila na probleme koje žitelji Požarevca imaju kada su u pitanju smeštajne mogučnosti njihove dece u vreme dok su oni na poslu. Upravo zbog predugačke liste čekanja na smeštaj u objekete vrtića, lokalna samouprava je odlučila da u Požarevcu izgradi novi vrtić.

– Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja je, preko kredita Еvropske investicione banke, finansiralo projekat sa 27.946.000 dinara, dok je ostatak sredstava, tačnije 35.000.000 dinara, obezbedio grad Požarevac. Takođe, iz budžeta Grada, za izgradnju toplifikacione podstanice, opredeljeno je 10.000.000 dinara, dok je Javno preduzeće „Toplifikacija“ pomoglo sa 1.800.000 dinara. Za opremanje prostora oko vrtića, nabavku nameštaja, didaktičkog materijala i opreme, obezbedili smo još oko 13.000.000 dinara. Kad se sve to sabere, ukupna vrednost ovog projekta je oko 93.000.000 dinara, gde nisu uračunata sredstva namenjena za plate onih koji će raditi sa decom, rekla je zamenica gradonačelnika, koja se ovom prilikom zahvalila Javnom preduzeću „PTT Srbija“ koje je pomoglo u parcelaciji zemljišta na kome se nalazi novoizgrađeni vrtić.

Direktor Predškolske ustanove „LJubica Vrebalov“ Dragan Nikolić, podsetio je na jednovekovni rad dečije ustanove i na Danicu Radosavljević po kojoj je novi objekat dobio ime. Svečanosti su prisustvovali: predsednik Skupštine grada Žarko Pivac, njegov zamenik Milić Jovanović, direktori javnih preduzeća, kulturnih ustanova i građani.

U Budžetu Grada Požarevca, deo sredstava opredeljen je za izgradnju još jednog dečijeg vrtića koji će biti podignut na teritoriji Mesne zajednice „Čačalica“ a postavljanje kamena temeljca se očekuje u bliskoj budućnosti.After many years, decades long, Pozarevac got a brand new facility designed housing and education youngest citizens, worth a total of 93 million dinars, as in the „Burjan“ open Kindergarten „Danica Radosavljevic“, named after a teacher who was then the 1911th opened the first kindergarten in this town.

This modern facility, children and educators have surrendered to the use of the mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic and his deputy Vukica Vasic. Expressing satisfaction over the successful completion of another important investment in the city, Miomir Ilic said that the new kindergarten will be able to take care of about 500 children.

– City Pozarevac, in addition to infrastructure construction and great attention to social protection, measures to increase the birth rate and the promotion of pre-school. I have to say that on this project and the current teams of the previous government, said Ilic.

Kindergarten covers an area of about 1,500 square meters, in addition to rooms for accommodation educational, the group has room for teachers, kitchen, terraces and other equipment. Vukica Vasic recalled the problems that residents have Pozarevac when it comes to accommodation in the possibility of their children while they are at work. It is because of too long waiting lists for accommodation facilities at the kindergarten, the local government decided to build a new kindergarten Pozarevac.

– Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, through the European Investment Bank financed project with 27.946 million dinars, while the remaining funds, 35 million dinars respectively, provided the city of Pozarevac. Also, the City budget for the construction of district heating substations, is allocated 10 million dinars, while the Public Enterprise „Heating System“ to assist 1.8 million dinars. To equip the space around kindergarten, purchasing furniture, learning materials and equipment, we provide another 13 million dinars. When it was all said and done, the total cost of this project is around 93 million dinars, which does not include funds intended for the salaries of those who will work with children, said Deputy Mayor, who expressed his gratitude to the Public Enterprise „Serbian PTT“ which helped the division into lots of land on which there is a brand new kindergarten.

Director of Preschool „Ljubica Vrebalov“ Dragan Nikolic, recalled the work children facility and to Danica Radosavljevic at which the new building was named. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Zarko Pivac, his deputy Milica Jovanovic, directors of public companies, cultural institutions and citizens.

The city budget Pozarevac, part of the funds committed to the construction of another nursery school that will be built on the territory of the local community „Cacalica“ while laying the foundation stone is expected in the near future.