Sportski centar “Požarevac” je multi sportski kompleks gde se organizuju brojni sportski, zabavni, estradni i humanitarni programi gostima iz gotovo cele Еvrope kao i drugih zemalja – Nemačka, Rusija, Grčka, Kina, Amerika, Kuba, Turska, Austrija, Italija, Mađarska, Poljska, Bugarska, Rumunija… Svi oni su se nadmetali sa članovima naših reprezentacija u odbojci, košarci, malom fudbalu, stonom tenisu, boksu, rukometu, vaterpolu, bilijaru, borilačkim sportovima…
Takođe sportske škole u košarci, rukometu, malom fudbalu, gimnastici, kao i obuka neplivača imaju poseban značaj kada je briga o najmlađima u pitanju. “Igrice bez granica” sa čijom se realizacijom započelo 1991. god. i u narednih devet godina održano ukupno devet ciklusa, manifestacija koja je okupljala učesnike predškolskih ustanova i osnovnih škola naše opštine. Računa se da je ta zabavno -sportska bajka okupila blizu 150 000 dece. 1995. god. “Igrice …” su doživele svoju internacionalnu promociju na Еvropskom kongresu rekreatora u Bratislavi…
Telefon: 012/555-177
Adresa: Partizanska 1, 12000 PožarevacSports Center „Pozarevac“ is a multi-sports complex where’s organized sports, entertainment, entertainer, and humanitarian programs from almost all over Europe and other countries – Germany, Russia, Greece, China, America, Cuba, Turkey, Austria, Italy, Hungary , Poland, Bulgaria, Romania … All of them competed with members of our team in volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, boxing, handball, water polo, billiards, martial arts …
It also sports school in basketball, handball, football, gymnastics, and training of non-swimmers are especially important when taking care of the youngest in the matter. „Games Without Frontiers“, with whose implementation began 1991st years. and in the next nine years, held a total of nine cycles, the events that brought together participants preschools and elementary schools of our community. It is estimated that the entertainment and sporting fairytale gathered nearly 150 000 children. 1995th years. „Games …“ experienced its international promotion of recreation in the European Congress in Bratislava …
Phone: 012/555-177
Pool: 012/555-057
Address: Partizanska 1, 12000 Pozarevac