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Tradicionalni Festival cvećaTraditional Festival of Flowers

Tradicionalni. 5. po redu Festivali cveća održan je u prvoj sedmici maja u centralnoj gradskoj zoni Požarevca. Pod pokroviteljstvom grada Požarevca, organizatori su bili: Udruženje cvećara Braničevskog i Podunavskog okruga, Turistička organizacija Požarevac i Udruženje pčelara. Dodeljene su nagrade najuspešnijim poklonicima hortikulture i najlepše uređenim štandovima.

Zainteresovanost građanstva je bila velika a proizvođači su prodali obilje rasada, cveća, ukrasnog bršljena, sadnica… Izložbu su u Požarevcu posetili čelnici lokalne samouprave.

Traditional. 5th a row of flowers festivals held in the first week of May in the central city area Pozarevac. Under the auspices of Pozarevac, the organizers were: Branicevo Florist Association and the districts, tourist organizations Pozarevac and  Beekeepers Association. Prizes were awarded to fans of the most successful and best-kept horticultural stands.

Interest in citizenship has been a big manufacturers have sold plenty of seedlings, flowers, ornamental ivy, trees … The exhibition was visited in Pozarevac local government leaders.