U LJubičevu je 2. maja, održan tradicionalni uranak koji je obuhvatio brojne manifestacije. Okupili su se slikari, izviđači, gorani, predstavnici gradske vlasti, Crvenog krsta i ostali ljudi dobre volje kako bi, pored ostalog, obeležili Memorijal Jovana Trifunovića, poznatog kao Joca Zakon, koji je bio starešina izviđača pri Crvenom krstu a mnoge generacije u ovom kraju pamte ga kao humanistu koji je organizovao brojne akcije u Požarevcu i okolini. Ovom prilikom, potpisan je i ugovor o saradnji između Likovne kolonije i Crvenog krsta Požarevac. Agencija „Kodeks“ je donirala Crvenom krstu 20 slika kao pomoć narodnoj kuhinji a o značaju ove saradnje govorili su: vlasnica Agencije Snežana Milošević, narodni poslanik Žarko Pivac i gradonačelnik Požarevca Miodrag Milosavljević.
Održana je i 33. Gitarijada „Memorijal Mile Veljković“ a pobedila je grupa „The Bite“ iz Beograda je pobednik 33. majske gitarijade memorijal „Mile Veljković“ koja je održana u sredu, 2. maja na obali Velike Morave. Drugo mesto zauzela je grupa „Infinity“ iz Požarevca dok je treće mesto pripalo grupi „Partymakers“ iz Beograda. Ove godine na konkursu 33. Gitarijade prijavilo se 47 bendova, dok je 10 sviralo u takmičarskom delu. U revijalnom programu nastupili su S.A.R.S., Presing, Bolesna štenad i „Mortal Kombat“.
In 2nd may in Ljubicevo held a traditional reveille which included numerous events. There were gathered artists, scouts, the city authorities, the Red Cross and other people of good will, among other things,marked the Memorial of Jovan Trifunovic, known as Joca Law, who was chief of scouts at the Red Cross and many generations in this area remember him as a humanist who has organized numerous activities in Pozarevac. On this occasion, signed the cooperation agreement between the Art Colony and the Red Cross Pozarevac. Agency „Kodeks“ donated to the Red Cross 20 paintings to help the public kitchen and the importance of this cooperation spoke the owner of the Agency Snezana Milosevic, MP Zarko Pivac and Mayor of Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic.
33 guitarist „Memorial Mile Veljkovic“ was held and the group „The Bite“ from Belgrade won and it is the 33rd winner of Guitarist of May Memorial „Mile Veljkovic“ which was held on Wednesday, 2 May on the banks of the Velika Morava. Second place went to a group of „Infinity“ from Pozarevac while third place went to the group „Partymakers“ from Belgrade. This year the competition 33rd Guitarist reported that 47 bands, and 10 played in the competition part. The review program performed S.A.R.S., Pressing, („Bolesna stenad“) Sick Puppies, and „Mortal Kombat“.