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U čast duhovnog preporoditeljaIn honor of the spiritual revival

Tradicionalna Svetosavska akademija, jedna od najvećih u Braničevskom okrugu, posvećena najcenjenijem duhovnom preporoditelju srpskog naroda, održana je u naselju Bradarac nadomak Požarevca uz učešće eminentnih umetnika koji se bave očuvanjem naše duhovne tradicije. Pod pokroviteljstvom grada Požarevca, dvanaestu po redu Svetosavsku akademiju organizovali su manastir Rukumija i Mesna zajednica „Bradarac“. Svečanost je počela himnom „Bože pravde“ u izvođenju Umetničkog ansambla Ministarstva odbrane „Stanislav Binički“ i Akademskog hora „Kolegium muzikum“ pod dirigentskom upravom Pavla Medakovića.

Centralnoj svetosavskoj svečanosti prisustvovali su gradonačelnik Požarevca Miomir Ilić, zamenica gradonačelnika Vukica Vasić, predsednik Skupštine grada Žarko Pivac, predstavnici Vojske Srbije i javnog života. O najvećem duhovnom preporoditelju srpskog naroda Svetom Savi besedio je starešina manastira Rukumija, otac Simeon.

– Sveti Sava je utemeljio pravoslavnu veru u našem narodu, on je iskorenio i odbio od srpskom naroda sve zapadne i druge jeresi i utvrdio narod svoj u istočnjačkom pravoslavlju, rekao je pored ostalog poznati duhovnik, otac Simon. Time je on najmoćnije uticao na opredeljenje istorijske sudbine srpskog naroda. Sveti Sava je najumniji prosvetitelj našeg naroda koji je nerazdvojno vezao prosvećenje i vaspitanje naroda svog sa verom u Hrista Gospoda“.

Pored elitnih muzičkih ansambala, svojim muzičkim nastupom prisutne je oduševio maestralni kompozitor i frulaš Bora Dugić. Stihove o Svetom Savi kazivali su Kuzman Krstović i Marija Miljković a narodne igre izvelo je Kulturno umetničko društvo domaćina „Bradarac“.Traditional Sava Academy, one of the largest in Branicevo devoted most distinguished spiritual reformer of the Serbian people, was held in the village near Pozarevac Bradarac with the participation of eminent artists who are dealing with the preservation of our spiritual tradition. Under the auspices of Pozarevac twelfth St. Sava Academy organized a monastery Rukumija and Local Community „Bradarac“. The ceremony began anthem „God of Justice“ performed by the Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defense, „Stanislav Binički“ and Academic choir „Collegium Musicum“ conducted by Medakovic Pavle administration.

Central Sava’s ceremony was attended by Mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic, Deputy Mayor Vukica Vasic, President of the Assembly Zarko Pivac, representatives of the Serbian Army. The greatest spiritual reformer of the Serbian people to St. Sava’s homily Rukumija abbot, Father Simeon.

– Saint Sava founded the Orthodox faith in our nation, and he refused to eradicate the Serbian people and all the other Western heresy and found his people in eastern Orthodoxy, said among other well-known priest, Father Simon. With that is on most influenced orientation historical destiny of the Serbian people. St. Sava’s cleverest educator of our nation is inextricably tied enlightenment and education of the people of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ“.

In addition to the elite musical ensembles present their music performances thrilled the masters of composer and piper Bora Dugić. Verses of St. Sava were uttered by Kuzman Krstović and Marija Miljkovic and folk dances performed the Cultural Artistic Society hosts „Bradarac“.