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Ugovori o stipendiranju mladih PožarevljanaContracts for scholarships for young citizens

Grad stipendira 50 studenata

U ime grada Požarevca, gradonačelnik Miomir Ilić potpisao je ugovore o stipendiranju uspešnih studenata. Naime, u ovoj školskoj godini, grad Požarevac će finansijski podržati 50 studenata. To je odlučeno posle završenog konkursa za dodelu stipendija. Mesečni iznos stipendije je 10 hiljada dinara i odnosni se na period od 1. oktobra 2014. do 30. juna 2015. studentima će ovaj iznos biti uplaćen i za septembar 2015. godine.

Potpisivanje ugovora

Potpisivanje ugovora

Pravo na stipendiju stekli su kandidati koji su postigli prosečnu ocenu najmanje 7,50 redovno su upisani u tekućoj školskoj godini a njihovo školovanje se finansira iz republičkog budžeta.Tako je dodeljeno  45 stipendija za  prvi stepen visokog obrazovanja i pet stipedija za drugi i treći stepen visokog obrazovanja.

Pre svečanog čina samog potpisivanja ugovora, gradonačelnik Ilić je studentima poželeo uspeh u daljem toku obrazovanja i izrazio nadu da će se, kad uspešno okončaju studije, vratiti u svoj grad i doprineti njegovom daljem razvoju. Čestitajući na uspehu mladim požarevaljanima, Vesna Pejić, član Gradskog veća zadužena za obrazovanje je rekla da će njihovi rezultati doprineti budućnosti Požarevca.

City of scholarships to 50 students

On behalf of Pozarevac, Mayor Miomir Ilic signed a scholarship contracts successful students. Specifically, in this school year, the city of Pozarevac will fund 50 students. This was decided after the completion of the competition for scholarships. The monthly amount of the scholarship is 10 thousand and relate to the period from 1 October 2014 to 30 June 2015, students will this amount be paid in September of 2015.

Potpisivanje ugovora

The right to acquire scholarship candidates who have achieved a minimum average grade of 7.50 were regularly enrolled in the current school year and their education is financed from the state of budget. Thus was awarded 45 scholarships for the first higher education degree and five scholarship for second and third degree higher education.

Before the ceremonial signing of the contract, the mayor Ilic students wished success in further education, and expressed the hope that, when the successful end of the study, to return to their city and contribute to its further development. Congratulating the success of young citizens of Pozarevac, Vesna Pejic, a member of the City Council for Education said that their results contribute to the future of Pozarevac.