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Uskoro otvaranje novog Vrtića Soon to open a new kindergarten

Novoizgrađeni vrtić na Čačalici, koji će nositi ime popularnog pisca za decu, „Duško Radović“, počeće rad odmah nakon Božića a trebalo bi da i zvanično bude otvoren do kraja godine, izjavila je na konferenciji za štampu Vesna Pejić, članica  Gradskog veća zadužena za prosvetu i obrazovanje najavivši i nastavak prakse stipendiranja studenata.



Investicija koju Požarevljani željno iščekuju se posle dosta odlaganja privodi kraju i biće otvorena za prijem mališana.

-Sve je završeno. Uz veliku podršku i pomoć gradonačelnika Miomira Ilica, načelnika gradske uprave Bojana Kuzmanovića, Milana Miljevića koji je bio zadužen za tehnički pregled, kao i moje malenkosti uspeli smo da ovaj vrtić osposobimo. Očekujemo da do kraja nedelje svo oko pravno formalnih poslova bude završeno. Iskreno se radujem da će naši mališani dobiti još jedan objekat I daće veliki broj dece biti zbrinut u našim vrtićima, izjavila je Pejić.

Ona je dodala i da grad namerava da stvori jednu centralnu kuhinju za sve vrtiće, čime bi se u objektima oslobodio koristan prostor koji se može iskoristiti za proširenje kapaciteta, tako da je u planu da već od naredne godine sva deca budu obuhvaćena predškolskimvcacalica obrazovnim programom .

-Plan je da se stvori centralna kuhinja za sve vrtiće. Time ćemo osloboditi prostor koji ćemo potpuno adaptirati i nadamo se da će od školske 2015/2016. godine sva deca biti uključena u predškolski vaspitno – obrazovni program.

Vesna Pejić

Vesna Pejić

Ovom prilikom Pejić nije želela da imenuje odgovorne za propuste u planiranju i izgradnji objekta, što je dovelo do kašnjenja u okončanju investicije. -Ko je odgovoran za propuste? Nemojte mene da pitate, to nije moja nadležnost. Kad sam došla na ovu funkciju zatekla sam dva objekta potpuno prazna i evo za godinu i po dana oba će biti u funkciji“.

Vesna Pejić se osvrnula i na odluku o stipendiranju studenata u školskoj 2014/2015. godini. U narednoj školskoj godini Grad Požarevac stipendiraće ukupno 50 studenata za zanimanja koja su ocenjena kao deficitarna i to mesečnim iznosom od 10.000 dinara po studentu, a rezultati bi trebalo da budu objavljeni 25. decembra. Konkurs za dodelu studentskih stipendija, koje dodeljuje gradska uprava otvoren je do 17.decembra. Takođe, u budžetu se otvara i nova stavka za učenike koji su učestvovali na međunarodnim takmičenjima a, prema izjavi Pejićeve,  za ovu poziciju planirano je 500.000 dinara.Newly built nursery on Cacalica, which will carry the name of a popular writer of children, „Dusko Radovic“, will start work immediately after Christmas and it should officially be opened by the end of the year, said at a press conference Vesna Pejic, a member of the City Council for education and Training announcing the continuation of the practice of scholarship students.

Investment by Požarevljani eagerly await after a lot of delays is coming to an end and will be open for the reception of children.

Everything is completed. With great support and help of the mayor Miomir Ilic, head of the city administration Bojan Kuzmanovic, Milan Miljević who was in charge of inspection, as well as yours truly, we managed to equip the kindergarten. We expect that by the end of the week all around the formal legal affairs is completed. We sincerely look forward to our little ones will get another object and will give a large number of children to be cared for in our kindergartens, said Pejic.

She added that the city intends to create a central kitchen for all kindergartens, which would be useful in the facilities free space that can be used to expand capacity, so that it is planned that starting next year, all children are covered predškolskimvcacalica curriculum.

The plan is to create a central kitchen for all kindergartens. This will free up space that we fully adapt and we hope that by the 2015/2016 school year. however, all children will be involved in pre-school – teaching program.

Vesna Pejić

On this occasion, Pejic has not wanted to appoint responsible for the failures of planning and construction of the facility, which has led to delays in the completion of the investment. Who is responsible for the failures? Do not ask me, it’s not my responsibility. When I came to this office I found two buildings completely empty and here for a year and a half, both will be in operation. “

Vesna Pejic commented the decision on granting scholarships to students in the academic year 2014/2015. year. In the next school year City Pozarevac stipendiraće total of 50 students for occupations that are rated as deficient and that monthly amount of 10,000 dinars per student, and the results should be published on 25 December. The competition for the award student scholarships, awarded by the city administration is open until December 17th. Also, the budget is opened and a new item for the students who have participated in international competitions, according to a statement Pejic, planned for this position is 500,000.