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Zahvalnost prijateljima iz FrancuskeGratitude to friends from France

Za pripadnike Specijalne jedinice civilne zaštite iz Francuske, koji su pomagali najugroženijima u katastrofalnim poplavama širom Srbije i u požarevačkom kraju, u Centru za kulturu je priređen svečani prijem i ispraćaj. Rečima zahvalnosti za ukazanu pomoć obratili su im se najviši funkcioneri Braničevskog okruga i grada Požarevca.


Podsećajući na tradicionalno dobre i prijateljske odnose između Srbije i Francuske kroz istoriju, gradonačelnik Požarevca Miomir Ilić je ukazao i da nesreće poput  nedavnih katastrofalnih poplava  u našoj zemlji  ponovo zbližavaju ljude.

Bane Spasović, predsednik Skupštine grada Požarevca  je rekao da mu je protekla nedelja dala konačan odgovor na pitanje zašto se Francuzi i Srbi naročito poštuju i uvažavaju, objasnivši da je to zbog toga što i jedne i druge oplemenjuje osećaj solidarnosti i želje za pomoći prijateljima u nevolji.


Na području Požarevca u odbrani Termoelektrane  Kostolac „B“ u Drmnu, a kasnije i pojedinih naselja poput Maljurevca,  bilo je angažovano 40 pripadnika Specijalne jedinice civilne zaštite iz Francuske, rekao je Žil Lankri, komandant ove jedinice kome je uručena plaketa grada  i stauteta Miloša Obrenovića, kao znak priznanja za svu pomoć koju su pružili stanovnicima ugroženih područja sa teritorije grada Požarevca. Pomenuto priznanje uručeno  je i generalu Bratislavu Dikiću, pomoćniku direktora policije MUP Srbije, koji se zahvalio francuskim prijateljima  na nesebičnoj pomoći u odbrani od poplava.


Prisutnima se na kraju obratio i prvi sekretar ambasade Francuske u Srbiji Patrik Rober, ističući da su posledice katastrofalnih poplava u Srbiji velikih razmera i da se u to lično uverio obilazeći pojedina područja.For members of the Special Unit of Civil Protection in France , who helped the most vulnerable to catastrophic flooding throughout Serbia and the Pozarevac,  the Cultural Center has organized an official reception and farewell . Words of gratitude for the received treatment were addressed by their top officials Branicevo districts and Pozarevac .


Recalling the traditionally good and friendly relations between Serbia and France in history, Mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic said that accidents such as the recent catastrophic floods in our country once again bring together people .
Bane Spasović , President of the Assembly of Pozarevac said he was last week given a definitive answer to the question why the French and the Serbs in particular respect and respect , explaining that it’s because of both refines the sense of solidarity and a desire to help friends in need .


In the area of defense Pozarevac Kostolac „B“  in Drmno , and later some settlements like Maljurevac, was hired 40 members of the Special civil defense units from France, said Gil Lankri, the commander of the unit which was awarded Medal of the city and statue of Milos Obrenovic , in recognition of the help they have provided residents of affected areas in the city of Pozarevac. The said award was given to General Bratislava Dikic , assistant director of the MUP Serbia , who thanked the French friends for their generous assistance in flood .

The audience was addressed by the end of the First Secretary of the French Embassy in Serbia, Patrick Robert, pointing out that the consequences of catastrophic floods in Serbia large scale and in a personally assured visiting certain areas .