Dan planete zemlje obeležen je u Požarevcu na brdu Čačalici. Cilj manifestacije organizovanih tim povodom bio je podizanje nivoa ekološke svesti, edukovanje i motivisanje građana da se aktivno uključe u borbu za očuvanje planete. Učesnici akcije bili su Еkološko društvo Požarevca, Požarevačka gimnazija i Udruženje ljubitelja Čačalice.
– Sedamdesete godine dvadesetog veka u Americi je pokrenuta velika kampanja zaštite životne sredine i okoline. Ujedinjene nacije su tek 2009. godine ustanovile 22. april kao praznik. Činjenica je da je naša planeta ugrožena, da sami sebe i svoja pokolenja, ugrožavamo. Imajući to u vidu moramo se udružiti i kao danas, glasno reći svima da neželimo da živimo na planeti koja je zagađena, da pokažemo da smo rešeni da sačuvamo našu planetu, naše zdravlje…
-Samo sa zdravom nacijom možemo da idemo napred i da prevazilazimo nedaće, rekao je obračajući se učesnicima manifestacije gradonačelnik Miodrag Milosavljević.
Predsednik gradskog Štaba za sistematsko uništavanje ambrozije Dejan Rakić, u okviru ove manifestacije organizovao je akciju edukativnog karaktera.
Građani su bili u prilici da dobiju sve potrebne informacije vezano za štetnost ambrozije i njeno uništavanje. Takođe, učesnicima akcije podeljene su majce i flajeri. Članovi Еkološkog društva Požarevac i učenici Požarevačke gimnazije, povodom 150 godina ove obrazovne ustanove, na Dan planete zemlje, zasadili su na Čačalici nove sadnice.Earth Day was celebrated in Pozarevac on the hill „Cacalica“. The aim of the event was organized on this occasion is to raise environmental awareness, educating and motivating citizens to participate actively in the fight to preserve the planet. Participants of the action were the Ecological Society of Pozarevac, High School in Pozarevac and Fans Society of Cacalica.
– The seventies of the twentieth century in America has launched a huge campaign of environmental protection and the environment. The United Nations in 2009. established the 22nd april as a holiday. The fact is that our planet is threatened, to themselves and their generations, endangering. With this in mind we must join together and like today, loudly tell everyone that you do not want to live on a planet that was polluted, to show that we are determined to preserve our planet, our health …
-Only with a healthy nation can move forward and to overcome adversity, said the mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic.
President of the City Staff for the systematic destruction of ragweed Dejan Rakic, in this event organized the educational action.
Citizens were able to obtain all necessary information regarding the harmful effects of ragweed and its destruction. Also, participants are divided into shares shirts and flyers. Members of the Ecological Society of Pozarevac, students of high school in Pozarevac planted new seedlings on Cacalica on the occasion of 150 years of this educational institution, on Earth Day.