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Dan Vojske SrbijeArmed Forces Day of Serbia

U prisustvu čelnika lokalne samouprave, predstavnika policije, Vojno bezbednosne agencije, SUBNOR-a, crkve, škola, javnih preduzeća i ustanova, u Kasarni „General Pavle Jurišić – Šturm“ u Požarevcu obeležen je Dan Vojske Srbije, u znak sećanja na početak Drugog srpskog ustanka 1815. godine.

Čestitajući praznik pripadnicima Vojske Srbije, zastupnik komandanta Centra za obuku kopnene vojske u Požarevcu, pukovnik Duško Šljivančanin je naglasio da je malo naroda i vojski koji imaju tako značajne datume i događaje u svojoj istoriji kao što je to imao srpski narod i srpska vojska.

-Jedan takav istorijski događaj bio je 23. aprila 1815. godine kada je pod vođstvom Miloša Obrenovića podignut Drugi srpski ustanak koji je označio prekretnicu u stvaranju moderne srpske države. Pripadnici Vojske Srbije proteklih godina nebrojano puta su dokazali svoju privreženost tradiciji našega naroda čime smo potvrdili da smo dostojni istorijskog nasleđa srpske vojske. Otadžbina je za srpskog vojnika uvek bila svetinja, bilo je to u prošlosti, tako i danas, tako će biti i u vremenu koje dolazi, rekao je Šljivančanin.

U ime grada Požarevca praznik vojnicima čestitao je gradonačelnik, Miodrag Milosavljević poželevši im puno uspeha kako u izvršavanju vojničkih obaveza tako i u privatnom životu.

-Na današnji dan 1815. godine u Takovu su se okupile sve srpske starešine i izabrale Miloša Obrenovića za vođu Ustanka. Taj dan se praznuje danas kao Dan Vojske Srbije i dočekujemo ga u miru i slobodi ali u vremenu bremenitom teškoćama koje su snašle čitav svet. Reforme koje se danas dešavaju u našem društvu nisu mimoišle ni vojsku a, kada je reč o reformama vojske, ona nikada neće i ne može zanemariti istoriju našega naroda u kojoj je za slobodu palo jedno čitavo pokoljenje od Karađorđa i Miloša do Drugog svetskog rata i do svih drugih ratova, naglasio je Milosavljević.

Odlukom zastupnika komandanta Centra za obuku kopnene vojske, povodom Dana Vojske Srbije za uspešnu saradnju, iskazanu privrženost i pruženu pomoć dodeljene su zahvalnice: gradonačelniku Požarevca Miodragu Milosavljeviću, direktoru JKP „Komunalne službe“, Slobodanu Joviću, Odbojkaškom klubu „Mladi radnik“, JKP „Parking servis“, NIPD „Reč naroda“, Sat televiziji i Direkciji za izgradnju grada Požarevca.In the presence of local leaders, representatives of police, military, security agencies, SUBNOR, churches, schools, public enterprises and institutions, in the barrack „General Pavle Jurisic – Sturm“ in Pozarevac marked the Serbian Armed Forces Day, to commemorate the start of the Second Serbian Uprising 1815th year.

Congratulating the holiday to members of the Serbian Army, commander of the representative of the Center for Army training in Pozarevac, Colonel Sljivancanin Bugs pointed out that the little people and the armies that have such significant dates and events in its history as it was the Serbian people and Serbian army.

-One such historical event was on 23 April 1815th when it was under the leadership of Milos Obrenovic raised the Second Serbian uprising that marked a milestone in the creation of the modern Serbian state. Members of the Serbian Army in recent years many times have proven their privreženost tradition of our people which we confirm that we are worthy of the historic heritage of the Serbian army. Fatherland by Serbian soldiers always been sacred, it was in the past and today, there will be some time to come, said Sljivancanin.

On behalf of Pozarevac holiday soldiers, congratulated the Mayor, Miodrag Milosavljevic and wished success to the performance of military duties and in private life.

On this day1815th in Takovo gathered all Serbian elders and elected Milos Obrenovic, leader of the Uprising. That day is now celebrated as the Day of the Army of Serbia and we welcome him in peace and freedom but at the time of difficulties that befell the entire world. The reforms that are now occurring in our society have occurred in the army, when it comes to military reforms, it will never and can not ignore the history of our nation which has fallen for the freedom of an entire generation of Karadjordje and Milos to the Second World War and the all other wars, said Milosavljevic.

Decision of the representatives of the Training Commander Army, on the occasion of the Serbian Army for successful cooperation, and expressed commitment to support awards were provided thanks: Mayor of Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic, Director of Public Utility „Komunalne sluzbe“, Slobodan Jovic, a volleyball club „Mladi radnik“, JKP “ Parking service „, NIPD „Rec naroda“, Sat TV, and the Directorate for the construction of Pozarevac.