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Druga sednica Skupštine grada PožarevcaThe second conference of the City of Pozarevac

U Požarevcu je održana druga po redu sednica Skupštine grada, predsedavao Žarko Pivac, a odbornici su na samom početku sednice potvrdili mandate novim odbornicima i doneli rešenja o prestanku mandata dosadašnjim odbornicima koji odlaze na nove dužnosti nespojive sa obavljanjem odborničke funkcije.

Skupština Požarevca usvojila je odluke upravnih odbora javnih preduzeća o preraspodeli dobiti ostvarene u prošloj godini. Prema zaključku Gradskog veća, preporuka je bila da se 40 odsto dobiti vraća budžetu kao javni prihod. Šest javnih preduzeća ostvarilo je dobit od oko 60 miliona dinara a budžetu bi trebalo da se vrati oko 24 miliona. Zamerka dela opozicije odnosila se na to što je isti procenat određen za sva preduzeća u gradu s obzirom da postoji velika razlika u visini ostvarene dobiti. Kod nekih preduzeća ona je iznosila samo nekoliko desetina hiljada dinara dok je kod pojedinih premašivala 40 miliona dinara. Lokalna vlada, čiji je predlog usvojen od strane najvišeg zakonodavnog organa lokalne samouprave, je ovakav zaključak u formi preporuke javnim preduzećima donela na osnovu odluke Vlade Srbije u kojoj je taj iznos do 50 odsto i odnosi se na sva preduzeća koja se bave delatnošću od javnog značaja.

U nastavku sednice Skupštine grada pred odbornicima su se našli izveštaji o prošlogodišnjem poslovanju javnih preduzeća koji su i usvojeni. Pored javnih preduzeća, izveštaje o finansiskim pokazateljima u 2011. godini podnele su i ustanove, fondacije i fondovi čiji je osnivač grad Požarevac. Doneta je i odluka o Programu koriščenja sredstava budžetskog Fonda za zaštitu životne sredine grada Požarevca u 2012. godini. Prema zakonskoj obavezi, usvojen je i završni račun gradskog budžeta za prošlu godinu. Odbornici su usvojili dopunu Odluke o pristupanju izradi geografsko informacionog sistema Grada kao i Statut Narodne biblioteke „Ilija M. Petrović“.

Skupština je imenovala nove članove upravnih i nadzornih odbora a kao i radnih tela grada Požarevca.In Pozarevac is held the second conference of the Assembly, presided over by Zarko Pivac, and councilors are at the very beginning of the meeting confirmed the mandates of the new committee members and made a decision on the termination current council members who go to a new position inconsistent with the performance of the functions of councilor.

The Assembly of city Pozarevac adopted a decision governing boards of public companies on the redistribution of profit over the past year. According to the conclusion of the City Council, the recommendation was to get back 40 percent of the budget as public revenue. Six public enterprises achieved a profit of 60 million dinars and the budget should return about 24 million. Criticism of the opposition referred to the fact that the same percentage determined for all companies in the city since there is a big difference in the amount of profit. For some companies it was only a few tens of thousand while the individual exceeded 40 million. Local governments, whose proposal was adopted by the highest legislative bodies of local self-government, this conclusion is in the form of recommendations made by public companies based on the decision of the Serbian government in which that amount to 50 percent and applies to all enterprises engaged in activities of public importance .

In the continuation of the City before the members were present reports on last year’s public enterprises which were adopted. In addition to public companies, reports on the indicators in finance in 2011. year filed and institutions, foundations and funds established by the city of Pozarevac. The decision was also made to programs by using funds of the budget of the Fund for Environmental Protection of Pozarevac in 2012. year. According to the legal obligation, was adopted and the final statement of the city budget for last year. The delegates adopted the Decision on preparation of a geographical information system of the City and the Statute of the National Library „Ilija M. Petrovic „.

The Assembly has appointed new members of management and supervisory boards as well as a working body of Pozarevac.