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Istorijski arhiv Požarevac u Domu Vojske SrbijeHistorical Archives of Pozarevac in the House of the Serbian Armed Forces

Promocija filma i monografije o Velikom ratu

Još jedna veoma zapažena aktivnost Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac, u saradnji sa eminentnim stručnjacima, realizovana je povodom obeležavanja stogodišnjice Velikog rata u Svečanoj sali Doma Vojske Srbije predstavljeni su monografija i film „Srbija i Braničevo u Velikom ratu“. Ovo je zajednički projekat Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac i Vojnog arhiva, kojim je ponuđen novi pogled na dešavanja u Prvom svetskom ratu. Malo poznata dokumenta i do sada većinom neobjavljene fotografije i ilustracije iz fondova Vojnog arhiva, Vojnog muzeja, Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac i Programske arhive Radio televizije Srbije, prate 19 zanimljivih stručnih radova osmoro autora, uglavnom istoričara i naučnih radnika, poznavalaca ratnih zbivanja u Braničevskom okrugu.

Promocija u Domu Vojske

Promocija u Domu Vojske

Čitalačku publiku i pažnju stručne i naučne javnosti autori  luksuzno urađene monografije, sa više od 300 stranica i 287 fotografija i arhivskih dokumenata, žele da privuku dokumentovanom pričom ne smo o ratnim dešavanjima u Srbiji, već i o reperkusijama surovih ratnih zbivanja na jednu manju sredinu, kao što je Braničevo. Ono što tu publikaciju čini vrednom, pored obilja dokumenata koji nesumnjivo dokazuju istinu o uzrocima, povodima, vinovnicima i žrtvama rata, jeste težnja autora da progovore o patnjama i žrtvama okruga koji i svojim simboličnim imenom Braničevo, govori o ulozi Srbije u Velikom ratu. Iz tog razloga, monografija sadrži nove uvide i zaključke svakog autora ponaosob, predstavljene kroz dve celine. Prva celina posvećena je početku rata i pobedonosnim operacijama srpske vojske, dok se drugi deo monografije bazira na Braničevu u Velikom ratu.

O monografiji i događajima koji su u njoj rasvetljeni, o hrabrim ratnicima iz Braničeva koji su, boreći se u Dunavskoj diviziji prvog i drugog poziva, odlučujuće uticali na išod Kolubarske bitke, o bici na Mačkovom kamenu u kojoj je više od 11 hiljada Braničevaca dalo život za slobodu otadžbine i drugim ratnim zbivanjima, govorili su pukovnik Milorad Sekulović, direktor Vojnog arhiva, dr Jasmina Nikolić, direktorka Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac, potpukovnik docent dr Slobodan Đukić, profesor na Vojnoj akademiji i prof. dr Momčilo Pavlović, direktor Instituta za savremenu istoriju.

Nakon promocije, emitovan je dokumentarni film „Srbija i Braničevo u Velikom ratu 1914-1918“. Film je prikazan na 11. Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu vojno-patriotskog filma u Volokolamsku u Ruskoj Federaciji gde je, u konkurenciji 300 filmova iz celog sveta, dobio nagradu Organizacionog komiteta festivala za režiju.Promotion of the film and monographs on the Great War

Another very noticeable activity of the Historical Archives of Pozarevac, in cooperation with experts, realized on the occasion of the centenary of the Great War in the Conference Hall of the Army of Serbia were presented monograph and the film „Serbia and Braničevo in the Great War.“ This is a joint project of the Historical Archives of Pozarevac and Military Archive, which has offered a new perspective on the events of the First World War. A little-known document and so far mostly unpublished photographs and illustrations from the funds of the Military Archives, the Military Museum, the Historical Archives of Pozarevac and Programming archive of Radio Television of Serbia, following 19 interesting research papers eight authors, mostly historians and scholars, experts war in Branicevo.

Promocija u Domu Vojske

Promocija u Domu Vojske

Readership and attention of experts and scientists as authors luxuriously made monographs, with more than 300 pages and 287 photographs and archival documents, they want to attract documented story we are not about the war in Serbia, but also of the repercussions of brutal war in a smaller environment, as Branichevo. What makes this publication a valuable, despite the abundance of documents that clearly prove the truth about the causes, motives, culprits and victims of war, is the tendency of authors to speak about the suffering of the victims and their districts that symbolic name Branichevo, talks about the role of Serbia in the Great War. For this reason, the monograph contains new insights and conclusions of each author individually, presented in two parts. The first part is devoted to the beginning of the war and the victorious Serbian army operations, while the second part of the monograph is based on Branicevo in the Great War.

A monograph and the events that it explained, the brave warriors of the guard who were fighting in the Danube Division first and second call, decisively influenced Isoda Battle of Kolubara, on the battle of Mackov stone in which more than 11 thousand Braničevaca gave life for the freedom of the fatherland and other events of the war, they said Colonel Milorad Sekulović, director of the Military Archives, Dr. Jasmina Nikolic, director of the Historical Archives of Pozarevac, Lieutenant Colonel Assistant Professor Dr. Slobodan Djukic, a professor at the Military Academy and prof. Dr. Momcilo Pavlovic, director of the Institute for Contemporary History.

After the promotion, broadcast a documentary film „Serbia and Braničevo in the Great War 1914-1918“. The film was screened at the 11th International Film Festival of military-patriotic film in Volokolamsk in the Russian Federation where, in competition with 300 films from around the world, won the Organizing Committee of the festival director.