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Izgraditi sadržajne odnose sa RomimaBuild meaningful relationships with Roma

Naselje zvano „Kanal“ u Kostolcu, koje se prostire od elektrane do Dunava, nedavno je bilo poprište sukoba pojedinih pripadnika Roma sa policijom što je bio neposredan povod da bude organizovan sastanak kome su prisustvovali: narodni poslanik Srđan Šain, predsednik Romske partije, gradonačelnik Požarevca Mimir Ilić, načelnik Policijske uprave Požarevac Dejan Radenković, predsednik Gradske opštine Kostolac Vladimir Vila kao i predstavnici Ministarstva prosvete, Centra za socijalni rad i Udruženja Roma Braničevskog okruga. Inače, u Kostolcu žive pripadnici dvadesetak nacionalnosti od čega najveći deo čine Romi. Procenjuje se da od oko dvadeset hiljada stanovnika živi oko sedam hiljada Roma.

Načelnik PU Požarevac Dejan Radenković istakao je, prilikom susreta sa predstavnicima kostolačkih Roma, da policija želi da izgradi partnerske odnose sa svim građanima te da postoji inicijativa MUP-a da se jedan broj pripadnika romske nacionalnosti obuči za policijske poslove upravo u mestima gde su Romi zastupljeni u velikom broju.

– Policiju niko ne bi trebalo da doživljava kao represivni organ jer mnogo radimo na preventivnom planu. Tu smo i da rešavamo konkretne probleme sa izdavanjem ličnih dokumenta i policiju približimo građanima. Zato smo i pokrenuli inicijativu o uključivanju Roma u policiju ali je potrebna dobra volja obe strane rekao je Radenković. On je dodao da će komisija ispitati sve detalje incidenta u Kostolcu te da će, ukoliko je bilo prekoračivanja ovlašćenja od strane policijskih službenika, oni biti adekvatno sankcionisani.

Poslanik Šain je istakao da je moguće poboljšati položaj Roma jer je u Srbiji proteklih godina „ušao“ novac iz evropskih fondova namenjen poboljšanju položaja ove nacionalne manjine . Istovremeno, Romi se moraju „izboriti“ sa određenim ponašanjima koja mogu da izazovu reakcije države ili zajednice.

– Mi insistiramo na tome da i pripadnici romske nacionalnosti budu zastupljeni u institucijama, da u većem broju budu primljeni u službu policije kao i da budu prisutni u lokalnim organima vlasti i podele odgovornost savećinskim delom stanovnika. Iz evropskih fondova u Srbiju je stiglo oko sedamdeset miliona evra za integraciju Roma i ovaj novac mora biti iskorišćen tako da bude vidljiv na terenu, rekao je Šain i dodao da Srbiju očekuje izgradnja socijalnih stanova koji će se finansirati iz međunarodnih i domaćih fondova. Želimo da Rome i pripadnike drugih socijalno ugroženih grupa stambeno osiguramo tako što ćemo im izgraditi stambene jedinice koje će isplaćivati na duži vremenski rok i postati njihovi vlasnici, uz rešavanje pitanja zapošljavanja.

Predsednik GO Kostolac Vladimir Vila je rekao da će i u naseljima gde većinom živi romsko stanovništvo biti završen proces toplifikacije te da će se raditi i na obezbeđivanju drugih infrastrukturnih uslova i dodao da do sada u Kostolcu nije bilo zapaženijih sukoba zasnovanih na nacionalnoj osnovi. Gradonačelnik Požarevca Miomir Ilić je rekao da će, nakon izbora u svim mesnim zajednicama, biti zastupljenije nacionalne manjine te da će njihovi pripadnici i na taj način direktno učestvovati u rešavanju svojih problema.

– Prostorni plan grada Požarevca je pred Vladom republike Srbije a u okviru njega nalazi se i plan posebne namene za kostolački ugljenokop, koji je velika razvojna šansa za ovaj kraj u privrednom, ali i u turističkom smislu. To znači otvaranje novih radnih mesta čime bi delimično bio rešen problem zapošljavanja romskog stanovništava. To povlači i pitanje zastupljenosti u lokalnim organima uprava što nam je i dugoročni cilj, rekao je Ilić.

Predsednik Udruženja Roma Braničevskog okruga Miroslav Veljković istakao je da je Romima u Kostolcu neophodna kancelarija kao i stalna edukacija kako bi se uključili u sve društvene tokove. Predstavnici Roma istakli su pre svega probleme socijalnog statusa i nerešenog stambenog pitanja i pohvalili napor Ministarstva prosvete kadaje reč o integraciji romske dece u sistemu osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja.The settlement called „Kanal“ in Kostolac, which extends from the power plant to the Danube, has recently been the scene of many members of the Roma clashes with the police, which was the immediate cause to be organized a meeting attended by: Deputy Srdjan Sain, president of the Roma Party, mayor of Pozarevac Mimir Ilic, head of the Police Administration Pozarevac Dejan Radenkovic, president of the City Municipal Kostolac Vladimir Vila as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Center for Social Work and the Association of Roma of Branicevo. Otherwise, in Kostolac twenty nationalities living members of which the majority are Roma. It is estimated that around twenty thousand people live about seven thousand Romani.

Chief of Police Pozarevac Dejan Radenkovic said, during a meeting with representatives of the Roma Kostolac that police want to build a partnership with all citizens and that there is an initiative of the MIA that a number of Roma people trained for police work exactly in the places where Roma are represented in large numbers.

– Police no one should be seen as a repressive organ as much to do prevention plan. We are here to solve the specific problems with the issuance of personal documents and the police closer to the public. That’s why we launched the initiative on the inclusion of Roma in the police but need good will on both sides said Radenkovic. He added that the commission would examine all the details of the incident in Kostolac and that if there was abuse of authority by police officers, they will be appropriately sanctioned.

Minister Sain said that it is possible to improve the situation of Roma in Serbia since last year „entered“ the money from European funds dedicated to improving the status of national minorities. At the same time, the Roma have to „fight“ with certain behaviors that may cause reactions state or community.

– We insist that members of the Roma ethnic representation in the institutions that are in many hired police and to be present in the local government and the division of responsibility savećinskim part of the population. European funds to Serbia came around seventy million to integrate Roma and this money has to be used so as to be visible on the ground, Sain said, adding that Serbia expects the construction of social housing to be financed from domestic and international funds. We want to Roma and members of other vulnerable groups such as residential sure we’re going to build housing units that will pay off in the long term and become the owners, with the resolution of employment issues.

President of GO Kostolac Vladimir Vila  said that even in areas where the majority of the Roma population lives to be over the heating process and that efforts would be made to provide other infrastructure conditions and added that so far the most noticed Kostolac no conflict based on ethnic grounds. Mayor of Pozarevac Miomir Ilic said that after the elections in all the local communities be represented minority and that their members and thus directly participate in solving their problems.

– Spatial Plan of Pozarevac is before the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and within it there is a plan for a special purpose Kostolac coal mine, which is a great development opportunity for this part of the business, but also in terms of tourism. That means new jobs, which would be partially solved the problem of employment of the Roma populations. This raises the question of representation in local government which is our long term goal, said Ilic.

President of the Association of Roma Branicevo Miroslav Veljkovic said that the Roma in Kostolac necessary offices and ongoing education in order to include all the social events. Roma representatives emphasized above all the problems of social status and unresolved housing issues and praised the efforts of the Ministry of Education when a word about the integration of Roma children in the primary schools.