On the building of Polytechnic School of city Pozarevac memorial plaque was unveiled at the place where it was the first „Nahijski Sud“ (Nahyan Court), established back in the 1821st year, which made this town became the cradle of justice in the modern history of Serbia. The plate is exposed to mark the Great Jubilee – 190 anniversary of Nahyan Court (Nahijskog Suda) in Serbia, which was established in Pozarevac by decree of Prince Milos Obrenovic at 7 May 1821st year.
The Memorial was officially discovered by the acting president of the High Court in Pozarevac, the judge Dragan Vucicevic and the mayor of Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic. The Court is located in the building called „Vasic house“, where he later built „The House of Trade Youth“ of Belgrade, today’s Polytechnic School. Establishment of the Court began the process of creating the modern Serbian state in the nineteenth century, with the usual legislative, executive and judicial authority, said the judge Vucicevic.
The mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic said that the unveiling of a memorial plate marking this major anniversary Pozarevac wants to show that it was an important factor in the process of building the modern Serbian statehood. The central event, marking the nineteenth anniversary of the establishment of the First Nahyan Court in Pozarevac will be held on 9 of December.Na zgradi Politehničke škole u Požarevcu otkrivena je spomen ploča na mestu gde se nalazio prvi Nahijski sud, osnovan daleke 1821. godine, čime je ova varoš postala kolevka pravosuđa u modernoj istoriji Srbije. Ploča je otkrivena u sklopu obeležavanja jubileja Velikog – 190. godišnjice Nahijskog suda u Srbiji koji je, ukazom kneza Miloša Obrenovića od 7. maja 1821. godine, osnovan u Požarevcu.
Spomen obeležje su svečano otkrili vršilac dužnosti predsednika Višeg suda u Požarevcu, sudija Dragan Vučićević i Gradonačelnik Požarevca Miodrag Milosavljević. Sud se nalazio u zgradi koja se zvala Vasićeva kuća, na mestu gde je kasnije izgrađen Dom trgovačke omladine Beograda, današnja Politehnička škola. Osnivanjem suda započet je proces stvaranja moderne srpske države u 19-om veku, sa usatljenom zakonodavnom, izvršnom i sudskom vlašću, istakao je sudija Vučićević.
Gradonačelnik Miodrag Milosavljević je ukazao da otkrivanjem Spomen ploče i obeležavanjem ovog velikog jubileja Požarevac želi da pokaže da je bio važan činilac u procesu izgradnje moderne srpske državnosti. Centralna manifestacija obeležavanja devetnaest decenija od osnivanja Prvog suda u Požarevcu Nahijskog biće održana 9. decembra.
30 novembar, 2011