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Počela gasifikacija PožarevcaStarted gasification in Pozarevac

Na lokaciji merno-regulacione stanice kod Reciklažnog centra u Požarevcu svečano su otvoreni radovi na izgradnji distributivne gasne mreže, čija će ukupna dužina biti oko 300 kilometara, dok vrednost izgradnje gasifikacije iznosi 13 miliona evra.

Grad Požarevac će biti potpuno pokriven mrežom niskog i srednjeg pritiska, rekao je izvršni direktor za investicije Srbijagasa Jovica Budimir. On je dodao da je rok izgradnje tri godine. Budimir je napomenuo da bi magistralni gasovod do Požarevca trebalo da bude završen do kraja 2012. godine.

-Do kraja godine planiramo da završimo gasovod visokog pritiska. Ukupno Srbijagas planira da uloži oko 20 miliona evra, rekao je on.

Korisnici u Požarevcu gas će dobijati sukcesivno, kako se mreža bude širila, rekao direktor za gasifikaciju Gas Investa, izvođača radova na gasifikaciji, LJubomir Sikora.

-Planirano je da ima oko 20.000 kubika jednovremene potrošnje. Objekti će se graditi u osam faza što znači da će grad sukcesivno dobijati gas kako se bude koja merno-regulaciona stanica završila. Na taj način gas će postepeno ulaziti, da bi građani shvatili blagodeti koje on donosi. Nadam se da će projekat biti završen na vreme“.

Gradonačelnik Požarevca Miodrag Milosavljević istakao je da nekoliko godina u Požarevcu nije bilo aktivnosti na izgradnji distributivne gasovodne mreže, ali da se nakon napornih pregovora došlo do rešenja.

-Važno je da je cena priključka jedinstvena za sve gradove u zemlji i da ne bi trebalo da bude viša od 650 evra, rekao je on i dodao da će mreža biti rasprostranjena na čitavom području grada.

On a site measuring and regulating station at a recycling center in Pozarevac were officially opened work on the construction of the gas distribution network, which will be the total length of 300 kilometers, while the value of the construction of gas supply is 13 million euros. 

City Pozarevac will be fully covered by a network of low and medium pressure, said executive director for investment Srbijagas Jovica Budimir. He added that the construction period of three years. Budimir said that the main gas pipeline to Pozarevac to be completed by the end of 2012. year.

-By the end of the year we plan to finish high pressure gas pipeline. Srbijagas plans to invest about 20 million, he said.

Users in Pozarevac gas will grow successively, as the network is expanded, said Director of Gas Invest gasification, gasification of the contractor, Ljubomir Sikora.

-It is planned to have about 20,000 cubic meters of simultaneous consumption. The buildings will be constructed in eight phases, which means that the city will receive successive gas that is the measuring and regulating station closed. In this way, the gas will gradually enter, so that people understand the benefits it brings. I hope that the project will be completed on time“.

Mayor of Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic said that several years in Pozarevac has been no activity on the construction of gas distribution network, but that after arduous negotiations come to a solution.

-It is important that the price of a single port for all cities in the country and should not be higher than 650 euros, he said, adding that the network will be spread throughout the city.