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Stadion malih sportova za ponosSmall sports stadium to be proud of

Novi stadion malih sportova, koji je otvoren kraj požarevačke hale, radiće u okviru Sportskog centra a svojom funkcionalnošću i atraktivnim izgledom služiće za ponos svim građanima a posebno sportistima.

Izgradnja novog sportskog objekta, vrednog 38.000.000 dinara, kakvog Požarevac priželjkuje decenijama, primer je uspešne saradnje Ministarstva za omladinu i sport sa lokalnom samoupravom. Prema ugovoru koji je zaključio grad Požarevac sa Ministarstvom omladine i sporta uloženo je 24 miliona dinara iz republičkog i 14 miliona dinara iz lokalnog budžeta. Dodatni radovi na uređenju prostora oko objekta do sada su uvećali vrednost ove investicije a, kako je najavila zamenik gradonačelnika Vukica Vasić, grad će izdvojiti dodatna sredstva za odgovarajuću podlogu terena, završetak uređenja parkinga i izgradnju pešačke staze.

– Ovaj projekat predstavlja ostvarenje rezultata koje je Strategija razvoja sporta postavila od 2009. do 2013. godine, izjavila je Vasić. NJeni prioriteti su dečji sport, sportska infrastruktura i vrhunski sport. Ovaj projekat predstavlja ostvarenje svih ciljeva jer očekujemo da se deca ovde rekreitraju i da na ovim terenima stasavaju neki novi šampioni. Grad Požarevac je, budžetom za 2011. godinu, obezbedio sredstva kako bi se finansirali dodatni, nepredviđeni radovi i uredio parking prostor, ograda i zelenilo. Za narednu godinu planiramo da teren prekrijemo još kvalitetnijom podlogom, takozvanim „tartanom“ i uredimo pešačku stazu tako da će ovaj objekat dobiti zaista lep izgled, rekla je Vukica Vasić dodajući da su ovim Stadionom malih spotrova grad Požarevac i Sportski centar dobili jedan savremen sportski kompleks.

Pomoćnica ministra za omladinu i sport, Zagorka Petrović Zlatanović izjavila je da su za državu najvažniji deca u sportu, infrastruktura i vrhunski sport i dodala da očekuje da će na ovom terenu stasavati uspešni sportisti.

-Ovo je samo jedan od projekata koje je Ministarstvo uradilo sarađujući sa gradom Požarevcom. Do sada je na ovakav način završeno osam projekata među kojima su fiskulturna sala u Osnovnoj školi „Sveti Sava“, mini-pič teren, a tu je i učešće u finansiranju Nacionalnog gimnastičkog centra i još nekoliko otvorenih terena.

Direktor sportskog centra Miroslav Stojimirović, kome je objekat zvanično predala na upotrebu zamenica gradonačelnika Požarevca, Vukica Vasić, izrazio je očekivanje da će teren biti u upotrebi tokom čitave godine i da će tokom zime na njemu biti uređeno klizalište.

Osim asfaltnog terena za mali fudbal, odbojku, košarku, rukomet i ostale sportove, izgrađene su tribine sa oko 380 sedećih mesta, poslovni prostor sa šest lokala, od čega su dva dupleksa, svlačionice i svečana loža.

Prilikom svečanog otvaranja novog Stadiona malih sportova, prigodan umetnički program izveli su folklorci Centra za kulturu a teren su prvi isprobali članovi mlađih selekcija Fudbalskog kluba Mladi radnik koji su odigrali revijalni meč uz prisustvo čelnih funkcionera lokalne samouprave, direktora javnih preduzeća, predstavnika sportskih organizacija i građana.New small sports stadium, which opened near Pozarevac halls, will work in the sports center and its functionality and attractive appearance will serve for the pride of all citizens and especially athletes.



Construction of a new sports facility, worth 38 million dinars, what Pozarevac wished for decades, is an example of successful cooperation between the Ministry of Youth and Sports with the local government. Under the agreement, which was concluded with the city Pozarevac Ministry of Youth and Sports has invested 24 million from the state and 14 million dinars from the local budget. Additional work on the renovation of space around the building so far have enhanced the value of this investment and, as announced by Deputy Mayor Vukica Vasic, the city will allocate additional funds to the appropriate base field, parking lot design completion and construction of footpaths.

– This project represents the achievement of results by Sports Development Strategy set in 2009. to 2013. year, said Vasic.

Her priorities are children sports, sports infrastructure and professional sport. This project represents the achievement of all the goals because we expect that the children here rekreitraju and on these grounds growing up some new champions. City Pozarevac is budgeted for 2011. year, provided the funds to finance an additional, unscheduled work and edited the parking area, fencing and vegetation. For the next year we plan to cover it with even better ground surface, the so-called „tartan“ and to design pedestrian path so that this facility will get a really nice look, Vukica Vasic said, adding that the stadium of small town Pozarevac to sport and sports center received a modern sports complex .


The Assistant Minister for Youth and Sports, Zagorka Zlatanovic Petrovic said that the most important country for kids in sports, infrastructure and professional sport, adding that he expected in this field stasavati successful athletes.

-This is just one of the projects that the Ministry has done working with the town of Pozarevac. So far in this way completed eight projects including gym in the elementary school „Sveti Sava“ mini-pitches, and there is a participation in the funding of the National Gymnastics Center and several outdoor courts.

Director of sports center Miroslav Stojimirovic, where the facility was officially handed over to the use of Deputy Mayor of Pozarevac Vukica Vasic, said he expects that the court will be in use throughout the year and during the winter it will be arranged on it rink.



In addition to the asphalt courts for football, volleyball, basketball, handball and other sports, the stands are built with about 380 seats, with six commercial outlets, two of which are duplexes, locker rooms and ceremonial lodges.

During the opening ceremony of a new small sports stadium, appropriate art program was carried out by the Centre for Culture folklorci a court for trying members of the first youth teams of FC „Mladi Radnik“ who played a match revue in the presence of the heads of local government officials, directors of public companies, representatives of sports organizations and citizens .