Prigodnim skupom, u prisustvu brojnih zvanica, predstavnika lokalne samouprave, sportskih radnika i sportista, danas su zaposleni u požarevačkom Sportskom centru obeležili tri decenije rada. Tim povodom predstavljena je i prigodna publikacija o istorijatu ove institucije.
Obeležavanju tridesetogodišnjice požarevačkog Sportskog centra prisustvovale su brojne zvanice, načelnik Braničevskog okruga Aleksandar Đokić, predstavnici lokalne samouprave predvođeni predsednikom Skupštine grada Požarevca Banetom Spasovićem i njegovvim zamenikom Milićem Jovanovićem, predstavnici sportskih saveza i klubova, a među njima i potpredsednik Sportskog saveza Srbije Slobodan Jović, komandant Požarevačkog garnizona Vojske Srbije pukovnik Duško Šljivančanin, predstavnici policije, privrede, društvenog i javnog života Požarevca, nekadašnji i aktuelni sportisti i sportski radnici. Sve njih je u ime domaćina pozdravio direktor Sportskog centra Nenad Mitić, a potom naglasio:
„Ovo je naš praznik, ali i Vaš, jer i Vi ste deo svega ovoga što ste zajedno sa nama stvarali. Hvala Vam što ste doprineli da Sportski centar radi ovako dobro i uvek pozitivno“, rekao je između ostalog Mitić.
U ime lokalne samouprave o značaju Sportskog centra za sport i sportiste grada i okruženja govorio je predsednik Skupštine grada Požarevca Bane Spasović i tom prilikom poručio:
„Mojoj nameri da vam približim svoj stav i mišljenje o velikom značaju sporta za društvo želim da pridodam i jednu krilaticu. Često olako shvatamo misli velikih ljudi koje su postale bezvremenske zahvaljujući svojoj istinitosti. Ko je jednom u svom životu nakon bavljenja sportom doživeo onaj prijatni umor koji se nakon tuširanja pretvara u jedinstveni osećaj i navalu pozitivne energije zna da tih nekoliko reči u izreci rimskog pesnika Juvenala „U zdravom telu zdrav duh“ sadrže mudrost koju svi vrlo lako mogu sebi da priušte. Tačnije, vi dame i gospodo, sadašnji i bivši zaposleni u Sportskom centru Požarevac već trideset godina uspevate da priuštite našim građanima taj božanski osećaj koji samo fizička aktivnost može da donese. Za razliku od medicinskih radnika kojima je posao da živote spašavaju, vaš posao je da odlazak kod njih sprečite najboljom mogućom preventivom – bavljenjem sportom. Čestitam vam od srca jubilej i hvala vam za sve što radite uz želju da budete još bolji u narednim godinama.“.
Nekadašnji sportski radnik Miroljub Popović Cicko predstavio je publikaciju o istorijatu Sportskog centra čiji je autor, i zamolio čelne ljude grada Požarevca da i u narednom periodu vode računa o jednoj ovakvoj instituciji.
Predsednik Upravnog odbora Sportskog centra Radiša Stojimirović uručio je plakete povodom jubileja nekadašnjem i sadašnjem rukovodiocu Sportskog centra, kao i jedinom radniku koji je 30 godina u kontinuitetu u ovoj instituciji – Radici Vukomanović. Potom je direktor Centra Nenad itić uručio plakete za doprinos razvoju ove institucije predstavnicima Ministarstva za omladinu i spot, Grada Požarevca, Koncerna Bambi, Kompanije Dunav osiguranje i Privrednog društva Inon. Sportski savez grada dobitnik je povelje, a članovi porodica jednog broja zaslužnih pojedinaca dobili su posthumne povelje.Commemorative gathering in the presence of numerous guests, representatives of local government, sports officials and athletes today are employed in Pozarevac Sports Center celebrated three decades of work. On this occasion presented a commemorative publications on the history of this institution.
The marking the thirtieth Pozarevac Sports Center attended by many guests, the chief of Branicevo district Aleksandar Djokic, representatives of local government, led by President of the Assembly of Pozarevac Bane Spasović and his deputy Milic Jovanovic, representatives of sports associations and clubs, including the vice president of the Sports Federation of Serbia Slobodan Jovic, commander of Serbian Army Colonel Dusko Sljivancanin, police, economy, social and public life Pozarevac, former and current athletes and sports officials. All of them, in the name of the host welcomed the director of the sports center Nenad Mitic, and then said:
„This is our holiday, but you, because you’re part of everything you have created together with us. Thank you for contributing to Sports Center works so well and is always positive, „he said, among other things Mitic.
On behalf of the local government about the importance of the sports center for sport and athletes city and surroundings spoke the president of the Assembly of Pozarevac Bane Spasović and on this occasion said:
„My intention to bring you closer to your attitude and opinion about the importance of sport in society and want to add to a motto. Often lightly thoughts of great people that have become timeless thanks to its truthfulness. Who was once in his life after sports experienced the pleasant fatigue that after showering turns into a unique feeling and the rush of positive energy known to the few words in the operative part of the Roman poet Juvenal „In a healthy body, healthy mind“ wisdom, which all contain very easily yourself to afford. Specifically, you ladies and gentlemen, current and former employees at the Sports Center Pozarevac for thirty years fail to treat our citizens that divine feeling that only physical activity can bring. Unlike medical professionals whose job is to save lives, your job is to prevent them going to the best possible preventative care – sports. I congratulate you heartily jubilee and thank you for everything you do with a desire to be even better in the coming years. „.
A former sports official Miroljub Popović Cicko presented a publication on the history of the Sports Center whose author, and asked the head people of Pozarevac that in the coming period, taking account of one such institution.
Chairman of the Board of the Sports Center Radiša Stojimirović handed plaques jubilee former and current head of the Sports Centre, and the only worker who is 30 years continuously in this institution – Radica Vukomanović. Then the director of the Center Nenad Itic presented plaques to contribute to the development of this institution representatives of the Ministry of Youth and spot, City of Pozarevac, Bambi, Dunav Insurance Company and the Company Inon. Sport Federation awarded the city charter, and family members of a number of deserving individuals received posthumous Charter.
22 decembar, 2014