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U Beogradu otvorena izložba iz spomen zbirke Miodraga Markovića požarevačkog MuzejaThe exhibition opens in Belgrade, the memory collection of the Museum of Miodrag Markovic Pozarevac

Zapaženo gostovanje u Domu vojske

Obeležavajući 115. godišnjicu rođenja Požarevljanina Miodraga Markovića, u organizaciji požarevačkog Narodnog muzeja i Medija centra „Odbrana“, u Velikoj galeriji Doma Vojske Srbije u Beogradu, otvorena je reprezentativna izložba slika iz Spomen zbirke ovog uspešnog diplomate. Osim Požarevljana, prvi put nakon 40 godina, u umetničkim delima eminentnih srpskih slikara imaće priliku da uživaju i poklonici slikarstva iz Beograda kao i brojni posetioci ove Galerije. Postavku čini 46 dela iz Zbirke koju je diplomata Miodrag Marković godinama sakupljao. Reč je o delima znamenitih slikara: Milana Konjovića, Jovana Bjelića, Zore Petrović, Peđe Milosavljevića, Vase Pomorišca, Ivana Radovića, Franje Radočaja, LJubice Cuce Sokić i drugih.

Spomen zbirka predstavlja legat, poklon porodice Marković Gradu Požarevcu, ozakonjen ugovorom između nekadašnje Skupštine opštine Požarevac i porodice Marković (Danice, Bisenije, Veroslave, Stojadina i Ivana) iz Beograda. Na otvaranju izložbe, prisutne je najpre pozdravio direktor Medija centra „Odbrana“ potpukovnik Slavoljub Marković, istakavši da je saradnja između požarevačkih institucija i Vojske Srbije višegodišnja i veoma uspešna.

– U martu ove godine, u Domu Vojske je, u organizaciji požarevačkog Istorijskog arhiva, održana izložba posvećena stogodišnjici filma u Srbiji, dok je u junu, u Gradskoj galeriji u Požarevcu, organizovana izložba fotografija pod nazivom „Uspomena iz vojske“. Ovakva vrsta saradnje Vojske Srbije sa požarevačkim kulturnim ustanovama nastavljena je današnjim otvaranjem izložbe slika iz Spomen zbirke Miodraga Markovića. Obeležavajući dva veka Vojske u Braničevu, naša ustanova će naredne godine, uz pomoć autora Jasmine Nikolić, direktorke požarevačkog Istorijskog arhiva i pukovnika Milivoja Pajovića načelnika Uprave za odnose sa javnošću i bivšeg komandanta Garnizona u Požarevcu, objaviti knjigu posvećenu ovom velikom jubileju, naglasio je potpukovnik Marković.

Grad Požarevac se legatoru Miodragu Markoviću, odužio tako što je ulicu u kojoj se nalazila njegova kuća, nazvao njegovim imenom. U skladu sa Markovićevom željom i ugovorom sklopljenim sa porodicom, 1982. godine svečano je u Požarevcu otvorena Galerija spomen zbirke Miodraga Markovića.

– Bilo da se nalazimo na dužnosti generalnog konzula Jugoslavije u NJujorku, diplomatskim misijama ili na dužnosti šefa protokola Saveznog sekretarijata za inostrane poslove, Miodrag Marković nikada nije zaboravljao rodni Požarevac. Kroz kataloški prikaz slika i njihovih autora i prezentaciju vrednosti i značaja kolekcije ovih umetničkih dela, odajemo zahvalnost legatoru grada, istakao je gradonačelnik Požarevca Miomir Ilić, koji je zvanično i otvorio izložbu.

Miodrag Marković rođen je 1897. godine. Nakon završetka Prvog svetskog rata, školovao se u Nici, Remsu i Londonu. Preminuo je 1969. godine u Opatiji a sahranjen u Beogradu. Kako je u svom obraćanju istakla autorka izložbe, kustos požarevačkog Narodnog muzeja Violeta Tomić, visoko obrazovanje, istančan ukus, rad i druženje u diplomatskim predstavništvima širom sveta, kod Miodraga Markovića stvorili su ogromnu ljubav prema umetnosti, posebno prema slikarstvu. Držeći se sa slikarima, on je strpljivo i prefinjeno stvarao umetničku zbirku, koju je pri kraju svog života poklonio Požarevcu.

– Kao kolekcionar, Miodrag Marković se opredelio za najznačajniji period u razvoju naše moderne umetnosti-za vreme između dva svetska rata. To je razdoblje kada srpsko slikarstvo dostiže najviše estetske kvalitete i kada stvara svoje remek dela. Autori zastupljeni u ovoj zbirci pripadaju različitim pravcima i poetikama. Posebnu vrednost daju portreti donatora Miodraga Markovića, među kojima se nalaze radovi Mihajla Petrova, Mila Milunovića i Vase Pomorišca. Darujući ovu zbirku svom rodnom gradu, Marković nas je podsetio na večitu istinu da umetnostpredstavlja dušu jednog naroda, neizbrisiv beleg njegovog postojanja i svetionik na neizvesnom putu u budućnost, napomenula je autorka.

Pored brojnih ljubitelja slikarske umetnosti iz Požarevca i Beograda, direktora Milorada Đorđevića i ostalih zaposlenih u Narodnom muzeju Požarevac u okviru koga se nalazi legat, otvaranju izložbe prisustvovali su sin darodavca Ivan Marković i Gordan Pomorišac, sin velikog srpskog umetnika Vase Pomorišca. Izložba je otvorena do 29. decembra.

A notable guest appearance at the Army

Celebrating 115th Birth anniversary of Miodrag Markovic from Pozarevac, organized by the National Museum and Media Center „Defense“ from Pozarevac  in the gallery of the Army of Serbia in Belgrade, opened a representative exhibition of paintings from the Memorial Collection of successful diplomacy. Besides citizens from Pozarevac the first time in 40 years, the artwork of eminent Serbian painters will have the opportunity to enjoy painting and fans in Belgrade as well as many visitors this Gallery. The exhibition comprises 46 works from the collection by diplomats Miodrag Markovic years of collecting. These are the works of famous painters: Milan Konjović, Jovan Bjelic, Zora Petrovic, Pedja Milosavljevic, Vase Pomorisac, Ivana Radovic, Francis Radocaj, Ljubica Cuca Sokic and others.

Memorial Collection is a legacy gift to the family Markovic town of Pozarevac legalized agreement between the former Municipal Assembly Pozarevac and family Markovic (Danica,  Bisenija, Veroslava, Stojadin and Ivana) from Belgrade. At the opening ceremony, guests were first greeted by the director of the Media Center „Defense“ Lieutenant Slavoljub Markovic, stressing that the cooperation between the institutions and Pozarevac Serbian Army perennial and very successful.

– In March this year, the House of the Army, organized Pozarevac Historical Archive, an exhibition dedicated to the centenary of film in Serbia, while in June, the City Gallery in Pozarevac organized exhibition of photographs entitled „Memories of the army“. This kind of collaboration with the Serbian Army Pozarevac cultural institutions continued today’s opening exhibition of paintings from the Memorial Collection of Miodrag Markovic. Celebrating two centuries Army in Branicevo, our institution next year, with the help of Jasmina Nikolic, director of the Historical Archives Pozarevac and Colonel Milivoje Pajoviv Chief of Public Affairs and a former commander of the garrison in Pozarevac, published a book dedicated to this great jubilee, said Lt. Col. Markovic.

City Pozarevac named the street where Miodrag Markovic lived in his name. According to Markovic’s desire and a contract made with his family, in 1982. was officially opened in Pozarevac Gallery memory collection Miodrag Markovic.

– Whether you are at the office of Consul General in New York Yugoslavia, diplomatic missions, or protocols as head of the Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs, Miodrag Markovic never forgot his native Pozarevac. Stock image through image and presentation of their authors, and the value and importance of the collection of works of art, we give thanks legatee of the city, said Mayor Pozarevac Miomir Ilic, who officially opened the exhibition.

Miodrag Markovic was born in 1897. year. After the end of World War II, he was educated in Nice, Reims and London. He died in 1969. in Opatija and was buried in Belgrade. As pointed out in his address to the author of the exhibition, the curator of the National Museum of Pozarevac Violeta Tomic, higher education, refined taste, work and socialize in diplomatic missions around the world, with Miodrag Markovic created a huge love for art, especially for painting. Adhering to the painters, he patiently and delicately created art collection, which is near the end of his life gave Pozarevac.

– As a collector, Miodrag Markovic has chosen the most significant period in the development of our modern-art for the time between the two world wars. This is the period when Serbian painting reaches the highest aesthetic quality when creating his masterpieces. The authors represented in this collection belong to different directions and poetics. The special value of portraits of the donors give Miodrag Markovic, who include the works of Peter Michael, Mila Milunovic  and Vasa Pomorisac. Donating this collection of his hometown, Markovic reminded us of the eternal truth that art represent soul of a nation, an indelible mark of its existence and the lighthouse on the uncertain path to the future, the author noted.

In addition to the numerous fans of the art of painting and Pozarevac Belgrade, Director Milorad Djordjevic and other staff at the National Museum of Pozarevac within which there is a legacy, the opening ceremony was attended by the donor’s son Ivan Markovic and Pomorisac Gordon, son of the great Serbian artist Vasa Pomorisac. The exhibition is open until 29 December.