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Unapređenje primarne zdravstvene zaštiteImproving primary health care

Značajno unapređenja primarne zdravstvene zaštite u Požarevcu i Kostolcu bila je tema konferencije za medije koju su održali zamenik gradonačelnika dr Miodrag Stepanović i direktor Doma zdravlja dr Miloš Samardžić.

Sa konferencije za medije

Sa konferencije za medije

Domu zdravlja u Požarevcu potreban je sanitet, pet lekara opšte prakse za popunu hitne pomoći, po jedan defektolog, psiholog, logoped i tehničar za rendgen, kao i nosač kasete za mamograf bez koga aparat ne može da se koristi za sve namene, nova stolarija u medicini rada, uslovna zgrada kostolačkog doma zdravlja, kao i olovne folije za nov rendgen.

Realno je da se nabavka opreme realizuje rebalansom gradskog budžeta. Očekuju da će od nadležnog ministarstva dobiti dozvolu za zapošljavanje potrebnih stručnjaka, kao i da će obezbediti uslove za izgradnju nove zgrade Doma zdravlja u Kostolcu. Sanitetsko vozilo je neophodno za požarevački dom zdravlja. Rebalansom budžeta koji se očekuje pre proleća, grad bi trebalo da izdvoji 3,5 miliona dinara za novo vozilo.

Problem hitne pomoći za Kostolac i okolna sela trebalo bi da se reši zapošljavanjem pet lekara opšte prakse. Dežurstva hitne pomoći u Kostolcu ukinuta su pre više meseci zbog nedostatka kadrova i ukidanja plaćanja prekovremenog rada. Zbog toga se pozivi iz Kostolca i okolnih sela preusmeravaju ekipama u Požarevcu koje su udaljene više od 10 kilometara.

Dom zdravlja u Požarevcu

Dom zdravlja u Požarevcu

Zamenik gradonačelnika Miodrag Stepanović kaže da grad kao osnivač Doma zdravlja može da traži zapošljavanje novih lekara.

-Nakon rebalansa budžeta obezbedićemo finansijska sredstva i raspisati konkurs za 5 lekara opšte prakse. Oni će biti angažovani za stalno i biće obezbeđen novac za njihove plate, rekao je on.

Direktor Doma zdravlja Miloš Samardžić je rekao da će angažovanje novih ljudi omogućiti da se u Kostolcu planiraju dežurstva i tokom vikenda i praznika. Pored manjka lekara opšte prakse za hitnu pomoć, Domu zdravlja je potreban po jedan defektolog, logoped i psiholog. Postoje procene da će za novi rendgen biti potreban i jedan tehničar. Miloš Samardžić je rekao da bi konkursi mogli da se okončaju do kraja godine i da će insistirati kod ministarstva da se dozvole nova zapošljavanja kadrova koji nedostaju.

Dom zdravlja poseduje dva mamografa koji su dobijeni iz medicinskih ustanova u Kragujevcu i Nišu. Jedan od njih, onaj niški, trebalo bi da se stavi u funkciju za mamografsko snimanje dojki. To je moguće samo ukoliko se nabave nosači za kasete koji koštaju oko 1 milion dinara. Zanimljivo je da sam aparat koji nije korišćen i star je desetak godina vredi oko 2,7 miliona dinara. Novac za nabavku bi trebalo da se obezbedi u gradskom budžetu, rebalansom.

Rendgen koji je grad za Dom zdravlja kupio prošle godine prošao je carinjenje i sa 6 meseci zakašnjenja dopremljen je u ustanovu. Po svojim karakteristikama je složeniji i jači od aparata koji je prvobitno bio planiran da se nabavi. Zbog toga je potrebno nabaviti zaštitne aluminijumske folije.

-Zaštitno staklo vredno 300.000 dinara smo nabavili, ali to nije dovoljno. Naručili smo olovne ploče koje koštaju 400.000 dinara. Čim se isporuče, pustićemo rendgen u rad. Očekujem da to bude krajem februara ili početkom marta“, rekao je direktor Doma zdravlja, Miloš Samardžić.

Kostolcu je potrebna nova zgrada Doma zdravlja. Postojeća je neuslovna. Da bi se izvršila sanacija i renoviranje procena je da bi grad trebalo da izdvoji nešto više od 20 miliona dinara. Zamenik gradonačelnika, Miodrag Stepanović kaže da je rentabilnije da se za 20 do 25 odsto više novca uloži u izgradnju novog objekta. Prepreka da se novac isplanira u budžetu su lokacijski uslovi. Projekat bi izradio Dom zdravlja. Međutim, pre toga je potrebno je usvojiti novi Generalni plan regulacije u Kostolcu.

-Znamo da je svo zemljište u Kostolcu u vlasništvu republike, a da su kao korisnik upisane TЕ KO Kostolac. Nadam se da neće biti problema da se zemljište prebaci na korišćenje Gradu Požarevcu, rekao je Stepanović.

On je podsetio da je grad imao ulaganja od 65 miliona dinara za prenamenu nove zgrade bolnice i da bi 40 miliona dinara uz IPA fondova trebalo da se do polovine ove godine refundira. -Nama se 40 miliona dinara 30. juna vraća u budžet. Nekim novim rebalasom ta sredstva možemo da opredelimo za novi Dom zdravlja u Kostolcu, zaključio je zamenik gradonačelnika.

Stanovnici Brežana nemaju dežurnog lekara jer je zgrada u kojoj je smeštena lokalna ambulanta nefunkcionalna. Kako to izgleda objasnio je direktor Doma zdravlja, Miloš Samardžić.

-Čekaonica je hladna tokom zime. Iz nje se ulazi u prostoriju tehničara u kojoj su dotrajali prozori. Pristup lekaru moguć je samo iz prostorije tehničara, dok u toalet možete samo iz lekarske sobe. Bio sam u Brežanu i zamolio mesnu zajednicu da taj problem tehnički reše. Kada to urade moći ćemo da pošaljemo lekara“.

Significantly improving primary health care in Pozarevac and Kostolac was the topic of the press conference which was held by Deputy Mayor Dr. Miodrag Stepanović and Director of the Health of Dr. Milos Samardzic.

Sa konferencije za medije

Sa konferencije za medije

Health Center in Pozarevac need an ambulance, five general practitioners to fill the ambulance, one special education teacher, psychologist, speech therapist and an X-ray technician, and the cassette holder Mammography without which the camera can be used for all purposes in new windows occupational medicine, conditional Kostolac building health centers, as well as lead foils for a new x-ray.

The reality is that the purchase of equipment implemented the revised budget. They expect that the competent ministry to obtain permission for hiring the necessary experts, as well as to provide conditions for the construction of a new building of the Health Center in Kostolac. The ambulance is necessary for Požarevački health center. Revised budget, which is expected before spring, the city should allocate 3.5 million for a new vehicle.

Problem ambulance for Kostolac and villages should be solved by employing five general practitioners. Emergency ambulance in Kostolac were abolished several months ago due to lack of staff and elimination of overtime pay. Therefore calls from Kostolac and surrounding villages diverted teams in Požarevac located more than 10 kilometers.

Dom zdravlja u Požarevcu

Dom zdravlja u Požarevcu

Deputy Mayor Miodrag Stepanović says that the city as the founder of the Health may require recruitment of new physicians.

-After The budget revision will provide funding and announce a competition for five general practitioners. They will be hired permanently and will be provided money for their salaries, he said.

Director of Health Milos Samardzic said that the engagement of new people as possible to be in Kostolac plan on call during weekends and holidays. In addition to the lack of general practitioners in the emergency room, the health center is required by a special education teacher, speech therapist and psychologist. There are estimates that the new X-ray will be required and a technician. Milos Samardzic said that the competitions could be completed by the end of the year and will insist that the ministry to permit new recruitment missing.

Health Centre has two mammographies obtained from medical institutions in Kragujevac and Nis. One of them, the low, should be put to use for mammographic breast imaging. This is only possible if the procurement carriers for tapes that cost about 1 million. It is interesting that coffee that was not used and the star is ten years worth about $ 2.7 million. Money for the purchase should be provided in the city budget, budget revision.

X-ray, which is a city of Health bought last year passed the customs clearance and 6 months late was brought into the institution. According to its characteristics is more complex and more powerful than the device that was originally planned to be purchased. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a protective aluminum foil.

-Safety Glass worth 300,000 dinars, we obtain, but it is not enough. We ordered the lead plates that cost 400,000 dinars. As soon as you deliver, we’ll play in the X-ray work. I expect it to be in late February or early March, „said Director of Health, Milos Samardzic.

Kostolac need a new building of health. The existing uninhabitable. To carry out repairs and renovation is estimated that the city should allocate slightly more than 20 million. Deputy Mayor, Miodrag Stepanović says that the more cost effective to 20 to 25 percent more money invested in the construction of a new facility. An obstacle to the money in the budget plan are locational conditions. The project would develop a health center. However, before that it is necessary to adopt a new general plan of regulation in Kostolac.

We know that the land in Kostolac property of the republic, and that as a registered user TE KO Kostolac. I hope it will not be a problem to transfer the land to the use of Pozarevac, said Stepanović.

He recalled that the city had an investment of 65 million dinars for the conversion of the new hospital building and to 40 million dinars with IPA funds should be up to half of this year is refunded.

-40 million on June 30, we returned to the budget. Some new rebalasom this means we could opt for a new health center in Kostolac, concluded the deputy mayor.

Residents of Brezane have no duty doctor because the building housing the local clinic dysfunctional. What is it like explained Director of Health, Milos Samardzic.

-Waiting room is cold in the winter. From there we enter the room where technicians are dilapidated windows. Access to a doctor is only possible from the room technicians, while the toilet can only from the medical room. I was in Brezane and asked the local community to solve this problem technically. When this is done we will be able to send doctors. „