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Završen Festival mladih – najmasovnija kulturna manifestacija u PožarevcuCompleted Youth Festival – most massive cultural event in Pozarevac

Uručenjem priznanja najuspešnijim učesnicima, završen je Festivalu mladih – najmasovnija kulturna manifestacija u Požarevcu na kojoj nastupaju najtalentovaniji učenici iz svih osnovnih i srednjih škola. U prisustvu predsednikam Skupštine grada Žarka Pivca, direktora škola, učenika i profesora, predstavnici Kulturno – prosvetne zajednice proglasili su pobednike i dodelili im diplome i zahvalnice.

Predsednik KPZ Pavle Miladinović je rekao da je, upravo završeni Festival bio veoma uspešan i kvalitetan i pohvalio najmlađe učesnike, kao i sve učenike kao i njihove vaspitače, nastavnike i profesore koji su uložili veliki trud da bi ovaj festival bio održan.

Žarko Pivac je pozdravio nagrađene i prisutne i istakao značaj podataka da je toliki broj učenika učestvovao na festivalu mladih. – Mi smo grad koji može da se podiči da ima mnogo kulturnih događaja u školama. Učestvovanjem na ovakvim takmičenjima stvara se i konkurentski duh, a ljudi daju i više od onoga što su u prvom trenutku smatrali da mogu. Prepoznaju se njihova interesovanja i neki novi umetnici, stvaraoci, možda budući delatnici u kulturi, ili direktori škola. Važnije od svega toga, važnije od svih nagrada jeste da deca uživaju u stvaranju. Nagrade možda jesu bitne, ali ne treba da budu na prvom mestu. To zadovoljstvo stvaranja je nešto što mora biti iznad svega i to je ono što ostaje i ono čega će se sećati dok god su živi. Kao grad bićemo uz njih i u budućnosti i podržati njihova dela“. Pivac je nagrađenima uručio nagrade a potom otvorio izložbu likovnih radova koja je nastala u okviru Festivala a postavljena u Maloj galeriji Narodnog muzeja gde je i održana svečanost.

U ime nagrađenih škola i učenika zahvalio se direktor Osnovne škole „Dositej Obradović“ Branislav Stojanović koji je još jednom naglasio značaj ovakvog vida stvaralaštva i nadmetanja mladih.Handing over the awards the most successful participants, completed the Youth Festival – most massive cultural event in Pozarevac of performing the most talented students from all elementary and secondary schools. In the presence of the President of the Assembly Zarko Pivac, principals, students and professors, representatives of the Cultural – Educational Society have declared winners and awarded them certificates and letters of thanks.

President of  „KPZ“ Paul Miladinovic said that just completed a very successful festival and praised the quality and the youngest participants, and all students and their tutors, teachers and professors who have worked very hard to make this festival was held.

Zarko Pivac welcomed the winners and participants and emphasized the importance of the data that so many students participated in the youth festival.

– We are a city that can be picked up that there are many cultural events in schools. By participating in such competitions and create a competitive spirit, and give people more of what they at first thought to be. They recognize that their interests and some new artists, creators, perhaps because of cultural activists, and school principals. More important than all this, the most important prize of all is that children enjoy creating. Prizes may include important but should not be the first. To the satisfaction of creating something that has to be paramount and that is what stays and what it will be remembered as long as he lives. As a city we will be with them in the future and support their actions.“.

Pivac awarded the winners with prizes and then opened an exhibition of art works that emerged during the Festival and is set in the Small Gallery of the National Museum where the ceremony took place.

In the name of the winning schools and students thanked the Director of the Primary School „Dositej Obradovic“ Branislav Stojanovic, who reiterated the importance of this type of competition and creativity of young people.