Awards for Day of urban municipalities KostolacНаграде поводом Дана Градске општине Костолац 31 јануар, 2012
Marking the second anniversary of the founding of the City Municipality Kostolac, ceremony was held with the appropriate program and shown a film about a two-year work of Kostolac municipal government. Awarded the gold medallion for contribution to the work of this institution, Dragan Jovanovic...
Receiving leaders of the European Handball FederationПријем челника Европске рукометне федерације 31 јануар, 2012
Head man of European Handball Federation Torah Liana and his associates had visited the mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic and President of the City Milomir Ilic In the Days of handball in Pozarevac.
- We believe that you have something to see on the site Viminacium, because it...
Veterinary clinic opened in the Agricultural SchoolОтворена ветеринарска амбуланта у Пољопривредној школи 31 јануар, 2012
In celebration of the St. Sava holidays and marking the 140th anniversary of the Agricultural School "Sonja Marinkovic" in this educational institution was put into operation Veterinarians consecrated, and ribbon cutting ceremony was performed by the President of the City Pozarevac Miomir Ilic.
This facility...
Incubators donated to Pozarevac hospitalДонирани инкубатори пожаревачкој болници 31 јануар, 2012
General Hospital in Pozarevac has received two new incubators for newborn babies who grants the company "Termoelektrane i kopovi Kostolac".
- The purchase of an incubator is made great progress in improving health care in the maternity ward baby, said director of hospital...
Свечано обележена школска слава Свети Сава 30 јануар, 2012
Празник највећег српског светитеља и школска слава, Свети Сава, обележен је свечано и молитвено у свим школама у Пожаревцу као радни дан али без наставе већ уз одржавање свечаних академија и пригодних приредби. Поводом Савиндана, све основне и средње школе у Пожаревцу и Костолцу посетили...
Saint Sava Academy is heldОдржана Светосавска Академија 27 јануар, 2012
In the hall of the Cultural Center held the Saint Sava Academy, organized by the church community Pozarevac. The ceremony was attended by His Grace Bishop Ignatius, president of the City Miomir Ilic and associates, representatives of police and military as well as numerous citizens.
Minister Ivica Dacic in donating a special fire-brigade vehiclesМинистар Ивица Дачић приликом донирања специјалног возила ватрогасној јединици 26 јануар, 2012
Special purpose vehicle was given to Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sector emergency at the fire rescue units station.
Mayor of Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic presented the keys of the vehicle to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Interior - Ivica Dacic.