
The forum „Human trafficking and domestic violence“Трибина „Трговина Људима и насиље у породици“

The Culture Center of Pozarevac presented a discussion on topic about "Human trafficking and domestic violence" on the occasion of signing the Protocol on cross-sectoral cooperation in the protection of victims of domestic violence in the city of Pozarevac. Film "Sisters" is...

Winners of the 5th Festival of amateurs dramaПроглашени победници V Смотре драмских аматера

In the third evening of the Festival in Pozarevac audience presented an ensemble of amateur theater actors from Krnjevo. Young actors have performed the theater play "Ljubav na seoski nacin". For the best actress of evening was selected Katarina Gligorijevic, while the best actor was  Goran Lekic. ...

Signed Protocol on cooperation in the protection of victims of violenceПотписан Протокол о сарадњи у процесу заштите жртава насиља

In the saloon of the City buildings was signed a Protocol on cooperation in the process of protecting victims of domestic violence in the city of Pozarevac. Committee to implement the Protocol, was formed in order to establish better cooperation between the town of Pozarevac, police...

Fifth festival of amateur theatresОтворена Пета смотра аматерских позоришта

Theatre "Castellum" from Kostolac opened the fifth festival of amateur theaters "Zivka Matic" by performing the show  "As I became normal again" by Slobodan Simic and directed by Nenad Despotovic. The jury for the evening named best actor Dejan Milosevic, and best actress for her role...

Water supply for KlicevacВодоснабдевање насеља Кличевац

The leaders of the city officials and representatives of Pozarevac company "Termoelektrane i kopovi Kostalac" visited Klicevac where wall is builded to prevent landslides, construction work on the water spring, and rural water supply network and arrange spaces for recreation rooms within "Dom Kulture". The...

New vehicle for utility serviceНово возило за комуналце

Public Utility Company of Pozarevac was submitted to the use of a new truck, purchased from the budget of the Fund for Environmental Protection Pozarevac, which the company fleet has become richer for a modern primary means necessary for the maintenance of public hygiene sector. ...

Conference of City CouncilСедница Градског већа

At the meeting of the City Council of Pozarevac, among other things, has decided to police headquarters give six computers without compensation and special technical vehicle for hazardous materials - fire-rescue vehicle for emergency situations that will be handed to the permanent use for the police of Pozarevac. ...

Water supply for the „Sopot“ and „Cacalica“Водовод за „Сопот“ и „Чачалицу“

Works on the water supply network of 1.6 kilometers in Pozarevac settlements "Sopot" and "Čačalica" worth about 7 million, which entered the final phase in late 2011. year, funded from the budget of the Fund for Environmental Protection of the City of Pozarevac. ...