
Winners of the 5th Festival of amateurs dramaProglašeni pobednici V Smotre dramskih amatera

In the third evening of the Festival in Pozarevac audience presented an ensemble of amateur theater actors from Krnjevo. Young actors have performed the theater play "Ljubav na seoski nacin". For the best actress of evening was selected Katarina Gligorijevic, while the best actor was  Goran Lekic. ...

Conference of City CouncilSednica Gradskog veća

At the meeting of the City Council of Pozarevac, among other things, has decided to police headquarters give six computers without compensation and special technical vehicle for hazardous materials - fire-rescue vehicle for emergency situations that will be handed to the permanent use for the police of Pozarevac. ...

Javna preduzeća i ustanove

JAVNA PRЕDUZЕĆA: 1. JP „TOPLIFIKACIJA“ 2. JKP „VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA“ 3. JKP „KOMUNALNЕ SLUŽBЕ“ 4. JP „LJUBIČЕVO“ 5. JKP „PARKING SЕRVIS“ Cenovnici Javnih preduzeća objedinjeno Izveštaji o radu javnih preduzeća pružalaca komunalnih usluga Informacija o stepenu usklađenost planiranih i...

Služba za zaštitu životne sredine

Služba za zaštitu životne sredine obavlja poslove koji se odnose na: zaštitu i unapređenje životne sredine u skladu sa osnovnim Zakonom o zaštiti životne sredine i sa sledećim posebnim zakonima: Zakon o zaštiti prirode, Zakon o zaštiti vazduha, Zakon o zaštiti buke u...

Agrarni fondAgrarian fund

 Manifestacije  Obaveštenja  Galerija slika  Kontakt Agrarni fond za razvoj poljoprivrede grada Požarevca osnovan je Odlukom o osnivanju Agrarnog fonda dana 17.10.2003. godine, u cilju stvaranja uslova za podsticanje, očuvanje, unapređenje i razvoj poljoprivrede na teritoriji Grada Požarevca. Agrarni Fond obavlja sledeće poslove i zadatke: ...

Event for children with disabilitiesPriredba za decu sa hendikepom

In the premises of the local community "Boulevard", which organized charity events, organized the event for children with special needs. On behalf of Pozarevac, Deputy Mayor Vukica Vasic gave the kids gifts. Primary School Students "Dositej Obradovic" performed a cultural arts program...

Contracts for self-employmentUgovori za samozapošljavanje

Representatives of local government Pozarevac signed contracts with new entrepreneurs on the allocation of stimulus funds for self-employment of 160,000 dinars  from the city budget and the first competition of this money has provided 20 future entrepreneurs. They said that these, with the involvement of their...

The new substation in the LucicaNova trafo stranica u Lučici

Representatives of the social enterprise "Elektromorava" and the town of Pozarevac launched the work of pole transformer station in the village Lucica, which is significantly improved power supply in Lucica and hamlets Popovcic. Power transformer has a 250 KV power amps and...