Public Utility Company of Pozarevac was submitted to the use of a new truck, purchased from the budget of the Fund for Environmental Protection Pozarevac, which the company fleet has become richer for a modern...
At the meeting of the City Council of Pozarevac, among other things, has decided to police headquarters give six computers without compensation and special technical vehicle for hazardous materials - fire-rescue vehicle for emergency situations that will be...
Works on the water supply network of 1.6 kilometers in Pozarevac settlements "Sopot" and "Čačalica" worth about 7 million, which entered the final phase in late 2011. year, funded from the budget of the Fund...
From the budget of the Fund for Environmental Protection of Pozarevac, this year funded a new carpentry in several public buildings in Bradarac to increase energy efficiency. The buildings are: the primary school "Bozidar Dimitrijevic Kozica",...
Fifth festival of amateurs drama of Podunavlje i Pomoravlje "Zivko Matic" will be held at the Cultural Center Pozarevac, from 21-24. January.
This festival will feature amateur theaters from Veliko Gradiste, Kostolac, Malo Crnice...
Kratka animacija o tome šta znači socijalno uključivanje, za pojedinca, za društvo, za svakoga od nas. Animaciju je pripremio kreativni tim Tima za socijalno uključivanje i smanjenje siromaštva Vlade Republike Srbije 2011. godine....
In the ceremonial hall of the City, the fund for scholarships and awards students signed contracts with new scholarships and renovated the old scholarships.
This school year the fund awards scholarships for 93...
In the area of the Ergela (Paddock) "Ljubicevo" new facilities opened in order to create better conditions for the reception of guests in this oasis of greenery and flowers, with hanging out with the noblest...