The contest for allocation of funds for cultural clubs in 2011. yearКонкурс за расподелу средстава за културно-уметничка друштва у 2011. години
Based on Article 76 Law on Culture ("RS Official Gazette" No. 72/2009) and the Decision on the Budget of Pozarevac in 2011. ("Official Gazette of Pozarevac" No. 12/10 and 1 / 11), the City Council of Pozarevac, announce
For allocation of funds for cultural...
Call for funding programs and projects NGOs and associations in 2011. yearКонкурс за Финансирање програма пројеката невладиних организација и удружења у 2011. години
The Contest
To fund programs and projects of NGOs and Associations in 2011. YEAR
The right to apply a non-governmental organizations and associations that are registered in Pozarevac at least one year and whose activity takes place in the town of Pozarevac, for...
Notice of Funds for the implementation of the programme of measures for Agricultural Production long-term lending by the banks, in cooperation with Local Government units in 2011.
Notice of Funds for the implementation of the programme of measures for the long-term loans Agricultural Production...