Sixty years of Požarevac UlisШездесет година пожаревачког УЛИС-а 30 новембар, 2011
Association of visual artists (Ulis) from Pozarevac, officially marked the sixty years since the founding of the city council stateroom in the presence of local government, representatives of culture and social life.
Choral music group "Lazarica" performed an appropriate art program, and...
The Day of the infantryОбележен Дан пешадије 17 новембар, 2011
In the barracks "Pavle Jurisic Sturm" in Pozarevac ceremony was held on the occasion of the Training Center and Army Infantry Day.
Army of Serbia was presented thanks to Mayor of Pozarevac - Miodrag Milosavljevic, Director of the Historical Archive - Jasmina Markovic,...
The gasification of the City CouncilО гасификацији на Градском већу 17 новембар, 2011
Gasification of the Town of Pozarevac and problems that have been monitoring this process were again the focus of government officials at the last session of the City Council. On this occasion Miodrag Milosavljevic, Mayor Pozarevac, addressed the public commenting and other topics...
International Festival of cornМеђународни Фестивал кукуруза 09 новембар, 2011
These autumn days Pozarevac was a metropolis of maize as the most common crops in Serbia. The Center for Culture held on 2nd Serbian International Festival of corn which was opened by Mayor Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic.
On this occasion he said:
Сајам локалних самоуправа 09 новембар, 2011
На трећем cајму локалних самоуправа у Хали 5 Београдског сајма представљени су привредни потенцијали и Града Пожаревца o чему је на посебној презентацији говорио Градоначелник Миодраг Милосављевић.
Сајам су организовали Заједнички министарство за људска и мањинска права, министарство за државну управу и локалну самоуправу,...
Day of workers in educationДан радника у образовању 09 новембар, 2011
Representatives of local government are presented Pozarevac recognition and financial reward on the Day of workers in education and the Charter of the Lifetime Achievement Award and cash prize of 20,000 dinars received the Regional Director Slavko Despotovic talents.
At a reception in the...