
Receiving leaders of the European Handball FederationPrijem čelnika Еvropske rukometne federacije

Head man of  European Handball Federation Torah Liana and his associates had visited the mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic and President of the City Milomir Ilic In the Days of handball in Pozarevac. - We believe that you...

Days of handball in PozarevacDani rukometa u Požarevcu

Last weekend in Pozarevac passed in the spirit of sport and the mayor Miodrag Milosavljevic with associates hosted a team members and  diplomats from the countries participating in the European Championship in handball as a...

Veterinary clinic opened in the Agricultural SchoolOtvorena veterinarska ambulanta u Poljoprivrednoj školi

In celebration of the St. Sava holidays and marking the 140th anniversary of the Agricultural School "Sonja Marinkovic" in this educational institution was put into operation Veterinarians consecrated, and ribbon cutting ceremony was performed by the President of...

Incubators donated to Pozarevac hospitalDonirani inkubatori požarevačkoj bolnici

General Hospital in Pozarevac has received two new incubators for newborn babies who grants the company "Termoelektrane i kopovi Kostolac". - The purchase of an incubator is made great progress in improving health...

Svečano obeležena školska slava Sveti Sava

Praznik najvećeg srpskog svetitelja i školska slava, Sveti Sava, obeležen je svečano i molitveno u svim školama u Požarevcu kao radni dan ali bez nastave već uz održavanje svečanih akademija i prigodnih priredbi. Povodom Savindana,...

Saint Sava Academy is heldOdržana Svetosavska Akademija

In the hall of the Cultural Center held the Saint Sava Academy, organized by the church community Pozarevac. The ceremony was attended by His Grace Bishop Ignatius, president of the City Miomir Ilic and associates, representatives...

Minister Ivica Dacic in donating a special fire-brigade vehiclesMinistar Ivica Dačić prilikom doniranja specijalnog vozila vatrogasnoj jedinici

Special purpose vehicle was given to Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sector emergency at the fire rescue units station. Mayor of Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic presented the keys of the vehicle to the Deputy Prime Minister of the...

The forum „Human trafficking and domestic violence“Tribina „Trgovina LJudima i nasilje u porodici“

The Culture Center of Pozarevac presented a discussion on topic about "Human trafficking and domestic violence" on the occasion of signing the Protocol on cross-sectoral cooperation in the protection of victims of domestic violence in...
Odlaže se suzbijanje komaraca na teritoriji grada PožarevcaDelayed of mosquito control in the territory of Pozarevac
Račun za uplatu sredstava pomoćiBill payment assistance funds
Posledice poplava: sve što treba da znate da biste zaštitili svoje zdravljeThe consequences of flooding: Everything you need to know to protect your health
Tretman sistematske dezinsekcijeTreatment of systemic disinfestation
Izveštaj Zavoda za javno zdravljeReport of the Public Health
Pokrenuta proizvodnja vode na vodoizvorištu „Bradarac“ Launched production of water at the water spring „Bradarac“
Štab za vanredne situacije: Pojedine škole bez nastaveStaff for Emergencies
Međunarodni sajam poljoprivredeInternational Agriculture