
Scholars have signed a contractСтипендисти потписали уговор

In the ceremonial hall of the City, the fund for scholarships and awards students signed contracts with new scholarships and renovated the old scholarships. This school year the fund awards scholarships for 93...

New facilities in the „Ljubicevo“Нови објекти у Ергели „Љубичево“

In the area of ​​the Ergela (Paddock) "Ljubicevo" new facilities opened in order to create better conditions for the reception of guests in this oasis of greenery and flowers, with hanging out with the noblest...

Event for children with disabilitiesПриредба за децу са хендикепом

In the premises of the local community "Boulevard", which organized charity events, organized the event for children with special needs. On behalf of Pozarevac, Deputy Mayor Vukica Vasic gave the kids gifts....

Regards little heroПријем малог хероја

To the nobility and courage do not know any boundaries nor age, testifies and human feat of twelve years old Sasa Stanojevic from Pozarevac, who recently, with his mother Sanja  and sister Christine, found the place a tragic accident on the bridge over the Mlava in place Salakovac, where is, thanks to...

Contracts for self-employmentУговори за самозапошљавање

Representatives of local government Pozarevac signed contracts with new entrepreneurs on the allocation of stimulus funds for self-employment of 160,000 dinars  from the city budget and the first competition of this money has provided 20...

Help elementary school students „Dositej Obradovic“Помоћ ученицима ОШ „Доситеј Обрадовић“

Mayor Pozarevac Miodrag Milosavljevic and a member of the City Council Radomir Mihajlovic, visited the elementary school "Dositej Obradovic" under the action of giving material assistance to all first graders. Mayor Milosavljevic...

The new substation in the LucicaНова трафо страница у Лучици

Representatives of the social enterprise "Elektromorava" and the town of Pozarevac launched the work of pole transformer station in the village Lucica, which is significantly improved power supply in Lucica and hamlets Popovcic. ...

Greening projects for 25 millionЗа пројекте озелењавања 25 милиона

For more than a year, from the budget of the fund for the Protection of the environment of Pozarevac for 19 projects greening of public areas was spent about 25 million dinars, said the head...
Јавни позив за финансирање посебних програма о обезбеђивању средстава за остваривање потреба и интереса у области спорта Public call for funding for specific programs
Конкурс за доделу стипендија студентимаThe competition for scholarships to students
Презентирана студија о термалним водама у ЉубичевуPresented a study on thermal waters in Ljubicevo
Одлука о расписивању јавног огласа за давање у закуп пољопривредног земљишта и пољопривредних објеката у државној својиниОдлука о расписивању јавног огласа за давање у закуп пољопривредног земљишта и пољопривредних објеката у државној својини
Резултати конкурса за унапређење сервиса подршке за особе са инвалидитетомResults of the competition for the promotion of support services for people with disabilities
Захтев за накнадно издавање грађевинске и употребне дозволеRequest for the issuance of building and occupancy permits
Четврти међународни Сабор пољопривредникаFourth International Assembly of farmers
Обавештење о сазваној расправиNotice of the hearing convened