
The new substation in the LucicaНова трафо страница у Лучици

Representatives of the social enterprise "Elektromorava" and the town of Pozarevac launched the work of pole transformer station in the village Lucica, which is significantly improved power supply in Lucica and hamlets Popovcic. ...

Greening projects for 25 millionЗа пројекте озелењавања 25 милиона

For more than a year, from the budget of the fund for the Protection of the environment of Pozarevac for 19 projects greening of public areas was spent about 25 million dinars, said the head...

The roof over head for social vulnerable peopleКров над главом за социјално угрожене

Representatives of the city of Pozarevac handed the keys to two apartments in the Zabela for vulnerable families and individuals who applied for the competition announced by the local government. There were 4 apartments. The...

Cradle of the Serbian judiciaryКолевка српског правосуђа

On the building of Polytechnic School of city Pozarevac memorial plaque was unveiled at the place where it was the first "Nahijski Sud" (Nahyan Court), established back in the 1821st year, which made this town became...

Sixty years of Požarevac UlisШездесет година пожаревачког УЛИС-а

Association of visual artists (Ulis) from Pozarevac, officially marked the sixty years since the founding of the city council stateroom in the presence of local government, representatives of culture and social life. ...

The Day of the infantryОбележен Дан пешадије

In the barracks "Pavle Jurisic Sturm" in Pozarevac ceremony was held on the occasion of the Training Center and Army Infantry Day. Army of Serbia was presented thanks to Mayor of Pozarevac -...

The gasification of the City CouncilО гасификацији на Градском већу

Gasification of the Town of Pozarevac and problems that have been monitoring this process were again the focus of government officials at the last session of the City Council. On this occasion Miodrag...

International Festival of cornМеђународни Фестивал кукуруза

These autumn days Pozarevac was a metropolis of maize as the most common crops in Serbia. The Center for Culture held on 2nd Serbian International Festival of corn which was opened by Mayor Pozarevac Miodrag...
Листа за финансирање или суфинансирање програма и пројеката удружења и НВОList financing or co-financing of programs and projects, associations
Јавни позив за обуку о пољопривредној пластеничкој производњиPublic call for training on agricultural greenhouse production
Конкурс за доделу стипендија студентимаThe competition for scholarships to students
Обавештење за чланове бирачких одбора на изборимаNotice to members of electoral committees in elections
Конкурс за доделу стипендија студентимаCompetition for scholarships to students
Извештај о отварању пријава културно-уметничких друштаваReport on the opening of cultural and artistic societies
Обавештење о сазваној јавној расправиNotice of public hearing convened
Конкурс за финансирање и суфинансирање пројеката у културиCompetition for funding and co-financing of cultural projects